Baby Noses

Here’s an “out there” topic for you all…why do babies, in particular mine!, hate to have thier noses wiped?? Matteson screams like I’m cutting her nose off every time I even get near her! :confused: I could understand if it were chapped and sore, but it’s ANYTIME!! I’ve even tried these great “wipes” called Boogie Wipes that have saline and smell good rather than a hard tissue and she still sceams. Is there a way to teach a baby not to hate having her nosed wiped??? :tongue2: Any suggestions?? :smiley:

haha, interesting question! :laugh:

Maybe cos sometimes we interfere with their breathing (through the nose)?

Also, I think the nose is a really sensitive organ - just ask boxers who get punched there! :clown: :ph34r:

U are right they all hate it… all mine hated it… but they like doing it them selves if you get them doing that early enough and make it a fun game. have them copy you, maybe do it to a doll. In fact, maybe that would work for potty training… putting dolly on her potty too. Cos crickey, if dolly can go potty then surely bubby should be able to go!!

Hi all,

Blowing my Baby’s nose was never an issue for me as she learnt it at very small age and she use to blpw it herself whenevr she had blocked nose…I just did it myself once in front of her and then she always use to do it her self I just had to give her napkins…
SO try doing it in front of your baby n she may immitate you n learn things…My baby learns this way…and so teaching things becomes easy for me…

try … Good luck.

When I read the topic title, my first thought about babies’ noses was how they are all almost exactly the same, no matter how different the babies look ! :biggrin:

Thanks for the suggestion of showing her how to do it…I will try that for sure! :biggrin: