Baby Math Genius

Embracing The Wide Sky - Daniel Tammet

You might find this interesting-also read page 141 of his book. Looking forward to your comments.

Very interesting Chris1,
I put the book on hold at the library. I’d like to hear what you think of the first 150 pages.

Hi THen, Sorry for the late response-

I have only read Daniel’s earlier book which provided an interesting insight into his mind. Have you collected his latest book from the library yet?


I just got it yesterday, but haven’t had time to even open the book. I hope to dive in to it soon. :slight_smile:

I am unable to find the material from the website. Seems its no longer there.
Can someone help me with the material.


Of course I’m now after 4 children later finding out what little ones CAN do.
So I’m guessing this form of math my 4yr old won’t be able to learn then?
If so how disappointing. :frowning:
Does Little Math go by the Doman method?