Baby Loves Home-Grown Produce

My one-year-old and I love tomatoes; every day we go out to the garden and strip all the cherry tomatoes that are remotely ripe and eat them. Everyone in the family knows how much she loves tomatoes. At the restaurant last night, my aunt offered her the tomato from her salad. My baby eagerly took a bite, then made and absolutely disgusted face and spit it out. It was hilarious. She refused to touch another bit of it. It was fun to see that she really could tell the difference between my home-grown, fresh, organic heirloom tomatoes and the typical store-bought/restaurant fare. I’m very excited about it.

you are so lucky that have garden and can grow organic products…

Ohh so yummy. I am on the same bote,my little girl eats whatever we eat, tomatoes from our garden, lettuce, peppers…etc. and she loves eating whatever we cook for the whole family.I think I just got her used to do that, we cook and we all need to eat the same food beacuse it is made for mommy with love.

What variety of tomatoes do you grow? I grew beefsteaks this year in Saskatchewan (Zone 2). Yes, my baby loves them but we only harvested about 30 of them and now it is fall so the plants are dead. I was thinking of planting a different variety next year to see if I can get more out of the little garden I have.

It definetly makes a HUGE difference, my babies are the same. In fact I have done a fun hands on experiment/lesson, – we would get the same type of pears and apples - organic and non organic, then we will slice them and taste them, and explain what is different - organic differed by taste, smell, juiciness, sweetness, etc! And it was fun experiment and activity for my 2.5 year old :slight_smile: