Baby is Happy

I just wanted to share that my dd read her first sentence today. I just started posting short sentences on the wall a few days ago. I changed the sentence today during her nap. After her nap she walked past the sentence ‘Isabelle is happy’ and read it. I was too stunned to say or do anything and she went on to play with some toys.

I haven’t really been consistent about any of her teachings. I have used a variety of techniques off and on (and lately more off) for almost a year. Up until now I haven’t had much positive feedback that she was learning anything. This at least seems like some motiviation to continue and hopefully expand my haphazard approach.

For everyone else out there that is worried that you need to be organized and consistent to teach - thankfully my dd just proved that idea wrong. Maybe she would learn better or faster, but I suspect that if I waited until I was organized she would be in her 50’s before I could even start.

I am just soooo happy that some of my efforts are helping.

That’s great! Congrats!

Hi Khatty,

That is wonderful!

I like your idea of posting sentences on the wall- I will try that with my son. He identifies a lot of words but I have not tried doing sentences with him.

Warm wishes,

Dear Khatty, It’s really awesome! I also haven’t got any positive feedback from my little one yet. But you really motivate me a lots. Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:

Khatty, that is great… good to hear and it is such a wonderful idea. thanks for sharing with us her success and the idea. I am going to try it with my baby as well. kudos to you both :biggrin:

Thats so cute! What a smart cookie. Good job Mom!