does anyone know what is cause of green stool from 6mths old baby. i’ve started giving him pureed foods such as avocado,beans,spinach,carrot,sweet potato,pumpkin,apple,pear, millet powder & rice cereal.
i’m not sure if any of the above causes this or if he really has some problem that i should be concern of. kinda a worry for me everyday. went to doctor and all i get is dont worry its nothing.
I wouldn’t worry either lol easier said then done huh.
But color changes will happen. I think you just need to look out for mucus or watery stools that may indicate that something he is eating isn’t agreeing with him.
feel a little better. i will look out for watery i guess and so far it has not become watery neither he shows signs of gassy. i really hope its the food. i shall wait and see. thanks again