baby food and juice

Is juices very important for babies and toddlers??What are the most important foods for babies and toddlers??
zaku dont like juice when he was a baby but now he began to like it. From the fruits he likes to eat bananas. Doctor said not to give him juices a,bananas ,strawbarries, nuts :tongue: …becasu he is (almost continuously) having caugh and cold due to he is allergy to dusts, sprays, powder, smoke…etc
I am rally worried about this, so i need your advise on this
Is it really important to stop those foods and what are the foods that can be given to him??


Buy organic fruits and veggies then. I don’t see why those would trigger and allergic reaction b/c they don’t have any pesticides. He needs fruits and vegetables. They have important vitamins and fiber. Juice isn’t necessary. It has some vitamins but a lot of sugar. my son gets about 3 or 4 ounces of 100% juice once a day diluted with an equal amount of water.

Hi Zaku,
All these food things can be confusing. My heart goes out to your little one with his cough/cold allergy symptoms. Those are no fun! Bananas and strawberries are actually two fruits that often cause allergic reactions. Nuts are a common allergen as well. My son got terrible diaper rash when he ate strawberries. It didn’t happen right away and got progressively worse to the point it would make the skin around his bum bleed. Now that my son is potty trained, this issue has been mostly resolved, but it still causes him some irritation. Allergies come in different forms, so these could be presenting in your son differently.
If your doctor advises staying away from those foods – give it a try for a couple months. There are lots of other fruits – Melon, Kiwi, Apples, Grapes, Pears, Nectarines, Plums, Apricots, etc. Yes, bananas are super convenient, but dried apricots and prunes travel easily and most kids love them.
I never give my son juice. He eats fresh and dried fruits and fresh vegetables. He drinks water and milk.
If you aren’t confident in your doctor’s recommendation, you might consider getting a second medical opinion. Sometimes they can be very helpful.

Hi Zaku

Allergies are becoming an increasing problem. I would ask for a referral to a specialist paediatric dietitian who can advise you regarding diet. Eliminating foods from the diet can be detrimental especially if you don´t know which ones he is allergic to.

Hope that helps

thanks nikki, norcalmommy and arnie2009 for the advise. We have shown him to pediatric doctors in our country. They always give medicine but never advise about the food and allergy.So we went abroad for medication. During the last week we were advised by a pediatric specialist.
Yes i will give him lots of fruits and vegtables

I would make sure to get allergy testing. There is no need to eliminate a lot of foods if you aren’t sure what triggers the reactions.

Our traditional Chinese doctor is adamant about cutting out all dairy, especially milk for any respiratory problems…maybe this will help? Using non-caustic/natural cleaners around the house can help, too.

thanks a lot for the idears and help.
karma to all

My son had a bad allergy to dairy that gave him a chronic cold(plus asthma) then when his allergy go diagnosis and was almost life threathing we found as soon as we removed it he got so much better. Ask your dr for allergy testing. My son had it done at 15months. We were only able to test a few things but they did whatever I suspected

Thanx for the suggestion waterdreamer, I am going to do the test very soon.