baby first tooth age

I want to share with you the experience of the first tooth. I think that it is a very special moment for us parents when we see our little one with a tooth, don’t you think so? My bubby was eight months old when his first tooth came out, and at that moment I thought it was quite late for a first tooth because I had heard some bubbys are born with teeth or they have the first at the age of one or two months. I don’t really know whether it is possible or not. Have you had such an experience? How old was your bubby when his /her first tooth came out?

Gabriel is 9.5 months and still no teeth. I am very glad b/c I’m breastfeeding, and they say the later they get teeth, the stronger and healthier the teeth are. My dad didn’t get teeth until after he was one, and he didn’t have a cavity until he was 32! I also have good teeth, and I think I was late getting them too.

My youngest teether had 2 teeth come through at 4 months.

My oldest teether got her first 2 at 10 months. She did not get any more for 4 months, then got 7 at once! Wow, was she growly!

Yes I had the experience my youngest DS who got first tooth at 3months 3weeks. :ohmy: He had been born (induced) three weeks early so we expected him to be late with teething.
I remember wondering why he was dribbling feverish and chewing on everything at only 12 weeks of age, but dismissed the idea of teething as being too early. My other kids had got their 1st tooth at around 7months.
The tooth was the reason I cut down on breast feeding him - he really gnawed at me, and at that time no-one could advise me about what to do to stop him. I found that I could nurse him early in the morning whilst he was still sleepy until about 6 months - but then the milk supply just dried up completely. (due to underuse so they said - but I always had trouble maintaining adequate supplies ) :frowning:
After the first tooth, another popped out within the week - then he had a new tooth about every month until he had 12 :biggrin:
All his developmental milestones were ahead of what we expected - the disadvantage for him was that people expected his behaviour to be that of a 4yr old when he was only 15 months.

btw at the other end of the scale my father cut another tooth after he retired at age 65 - he had dentures and couldn’t understand why they were so uncomfortable. I can’t remember whether there was more than one - but I know he had to have it/them removed :clown:

My baby (5 months old) just got his first one last week :slight_smile: And I think that the other ones are coming up rapidly and he feels quite uncomfortable. I feel you Carpe_Diem regarding the painful breasfeeding. I am feeling the litle toothy more and more. I tried the nhockaday’s technique to block his airway when he bites but I am not sure that is working. Do you have other ideas on how to keep the comfort level?

I posted some helpful web sites in whatever thread that discussion was in. Was it the breastfeeding thread?

My son showed his first tooth when he was 5 months old. I was concerned because at the same time my husband had the flu and the very next morning we were taking our son to the dr with a fever of 102. After a quick test it was determined he did have the flu so we were told to give him the storebrand fever and pain reducer medicine. He was not at all fussy the days before his tooth came in, he was very loud verbally but they were not cries of pain so I had no idea his tooth was coming in. He grabbed my finger and when he bit down I felt the very top of a tooth coming out his gums. I am thinking that the storebrand medicine helped relieve the teething pain. He got over the flu much quicker than my husband did. Within a week his second bottom tooth has come in and I was wondering what tooth normally comes in next or does it vary from child to child.

It was the same with my baby…she got het 1st tooth at 5 months…then on the 6 th month she got her other bottom tooth. Normally after the 2 bottom teeth its the top 2 teeth that follows…she got her top 2 teeth at age 7 months.

My son had its tooth came out at 8 months. We were so happy to see it coming out that we forced to open his mouth just to take a picture of his teeth that he kept on crying. He was really irritated by us trying to open his mouth. It was really a funny experience. Now at 10 months he has about 6 or 7 teeth. :biggrin:

laidalays - for some babies who are born with teeth, these are called supernumerary teeth. They are not part of the normal set of teeth a child is born with and should be removed. Sometimes they are part of the normal set of teeth so it is important to find out before the tooth is removed. Supernumerary teeth are usually poorly formed and don’t have the same structure as the normal teeth so it is fairly easy to tell whether it is an extra tooth or part of the normal set.

Both my sons were late with their teeth - one 9 months and the other 8 months. They both bite as well, but after a while, you can sort of predict when they are going to bite. Biting only occurs after your child has stopped suckling because they can’t bite and suckle at the same time without biting their own tongue. So when your child is going through the biting phase, always try to end the nursing session when you know they’re done. If they’re awake when it happens, just end the nursing session and say firmly, “No biting.” This is so they associate the fact that they don’t get to nurse if they bite.

I’ve also noticed that I am more prone to developing mastitis when they bite…