Baby fears

My baby is these days quite afraid of every strange noise he hears, and example is the sound of a chair dragged in another room or another floor. I have tried not to give it much importance because there has nothing new happen with him, there has not been any change at home routines and I can not explain it myself. He is even feeling afraid of some toys which make noise, but these toys are not new, and he had no fear of them before. My baby is nineteen months now, maybe is itcommon at that age? Has any of you had the same problem? Thanks God he is not having fears at night and he sleeps as always

I think at around that age, babies start to be more aware of the world around them and that it can be a big scary place. They start to get experience of people and places outside of their immediate family and environment - and it is an age when they start to be ‘shy’ when other adults try to approach if that hasn’t happened already.

They also become aware that there can be danger - falling over - bumping into things - loud noises - etc.

I should think that what your LO is experiencing is quite normal and a good sign of his development - he has to find out how he fits into the big world outside - and if he didn’t have little fears to overcome - he would grow up very vulnerable and too trusting.

When you reassure him that what he is frightened of in the house is OK - let him see what it was that he found scary then he will gradually learn to be confident.
Good luck - hope this helps :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer. I feel now more reliefed, and I don’t see now his fears as a bad thing. Thanks a lot. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

I have the problem with baby fear as well. My daughter is almost 16 months old and she doesn’t like when other people (except me and my husband) talk to her. She starts crying every time someone bends over smiling at her. When we play outside she seldom communicate with other children, she prefers playing with me. My parents-in-law feel hurt about that. We live in the same apartment building and they see my daughter every day. And every time she screams when she see them. But after couple of minutes she calms down and starts walking aroung their apartment. But she doesn’t let them even touch herself. Maybe someone had the same experience. What should I do?

Hi Diana :slight_smile:

Here’s what I took before in a course about building self confidence in your child:

If you want her to be friendly around other people and not be shy, then do the introductions WITH her. for example, pick her up and give your parents in law a hug with her in your arms…or tell her lets go say hi to grandma and grandpa…or take her hand…etc. Don’t leave her do the first introductions on her own :wink:

Also, if that fails at first, make her see you and her dad say hi to grandpa and grandma and give them hugs and so on, so that she’ll model you. If you guys are aloof then she’ll pick it up from you…

my two cents :slight_smile:

Hello, nohayo,
thank you very much for your advice. I am trying to do exactly what you are telling. We see our parents every day and she sees them from her birth. And they always smile at her, but they cannot even touch her or shake her hand. She cries so loud. She doesn’t like when my mother comes to us. Actually she is not very hospitable :slight_smile: She starts crying every time someone comes to us. For ten-fifteen minutes she hides behind me and cries. And it doesn’t matter for her that this person came just the day before and she was playing with him :confused: I try to stay calm and ask people don’t pay attention to her for a while. I explain to my daughter that everything is OK, mummy is here and nobody will hurt her. But it usually take 10-15 minutes for her to get used to a guest and stop crying. I just feel helpless in such situations.