baby development

Hi, just wondering if I should be worried. My daughter is 8 months old now and she is still unable to sit up by herself. I have started the Chinese curriculum with her and she doesn’t seem to be interested. Should I continue?

Most babies are able to sit up by themselves around 6 months. I would definitely talk to my doctor about it, and make sure you are “practicing” sitting every day. It doesn’t take long for a baby to strengthen core muscles and get the hang of it if you are practicing often.

Hi, thanks for the reply. She is able to sit unaided if i place her in a sitting position. But to move from a tummy position to a sitting position, she is unable to do it. Should i still be concern?

Oh, that explains that. It is pretty common for the babies that age to sit once they are put in that position and they are still mastering the skill of learning how to get in different positions. Babies are different and some do it earlier then others. If she is able to sit on her own once you put her in position, it is great. I wold suggest giving her opportunities to practice, let her discover different ways of mobility, etc

I don’t think there is anything to worry about…I was told by the gymbaroo instructor that its actually better if the baby learns to sit after they learn to crawl, she forced me not to put her in the sitting position and to just put her on her tummy throughout the day. In 3 days my daughter learnt how to crawl and then she sat on her own after crawling.

Try showing her the chinese lessons first thing in the morning after she wakes up (of course after her feed)…it might help.