baby bumping her head when on an inclined crawling track?

Hi :slight_smile:

so I have a kind-of crawling track. Its plastic and its inclined.

How do you prevent your baby from bumping their head on the floor when they are inclined downwards on teh crawling track?

when she gets up on all four, its only a matter of time before she collapses chin first or forehead first… right now I catch her head in my hands before she hits the floor but i thought maybe I’m doing something wrong?

My first thought is that the track is too inclined. Although I can’t reason out why I think that.

I never found that Zed set his head down very heavily at all. He would just kind of lay down when he got too tired to stay up. That was rarely in the track though. If he could go 5" I would put him 4-6" from the bottom. If he was grouchy, just 4" so he would have success every time (and be happier), if he was in a particularly good mood, 6" so it was a challenge. And otherwise I’d just go with the 5" that I knew he could do. He progressed quite rapidly this way, but he also had lots of unstructured floor time too.

My track is faux leather on the surface, padded with carpet underlay, and I would incline it about 7" for a 54" long track (so an angle of approximately 7.5 degrees) and my floor is a standard pile carpet. If those details are important to you.

thanks carpe vestri vita :slight_smile:

I saw your reply right away but forgot to reply! Thanks for the detailed info! I only had the track for a while as I had rented it and it was all plastic not added like yours sounds to be …

I think it could have been too inclined like you said :slight_smile: the fact that she sets her head down heavily also played factor i guess …