Baby Anson Can Read

wow,happy for baby Anson,she can read!but watching this videos and knew that baby Anson is only 1 years and 10 month and she can read,makes me worry,balqys is 1 and 8 month,but still in her own language,she’s doing great with the flash card and homeschooling,she can sign ad recognize some things,but still can’t talk… :frowning: i try not worry to much,when her nanny or some else asked 'when your daughter will start talk?'i just simply answer that she will so soon and when she start talking,the first sentences will not in malay languange(our mother tongue)but straight away speak in english. :biggrin:

anyway,have any of parents here have this experience?

qisdhe mom,

Are you teaching your daughter more than one language? (It looks like it, but just want to make sure)

Oh wow, that is just the cutest thing I’ve seen all day, it looks like she is making wonderful progress. How long have you been doing YBCR?

first of all,wow,valeri ann is sooo beautiful,cute little baby. :slight_smile: .I’m not focus to other language except english language while teaching my daughter,wonder why she still can’t able to speak,the word she always speak is “ayah”(father) and “bu”(mother),and yesterday she suddenly say “CUP” immediately after she saw the flashcard with cup. :biggrin:

i reallyyyyyyyy can’t wait to hear my baby can speak.

hi kappasweet, baby anson is not my baby :biggrin: I also want to know how long that baby anson using YBCR :unsure:

Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I love my little girl :biggrin:

Regarding your baby, I was asking about the languages because babies that are learning other languages (even just one besides native tongue) may take a little bit longer to talk. It doesn’t dall the time, but it is normal. Here is a little extract from the multilingual website:

Speaking Later. While there’s no scientific evidence that proves multilinguals begin speaking later, many parents estimate that there is a three to six month delay compared to monolingual children the same age. If you think about it, it makes sense that a child learning two or more language systems might take more time, since they are actually learning twice as many words. Even so, six months is a small price to pay for the ability to speak two or three languages!

You may want to read this article about late talkers: