Baby Anson Can Read

I am new member for this forum, and I am going to have my first baby in this coming July. I was so impressed to find out this website and community yesterday. I read the document explained how to use flashcard, and has seen exactly how to use flashcard effectively from this Video. It is very impressive.

I have some questions about using flashcard. Are there any research to compare the case of children using English as native language, and other pictorial language, like Chinese or Japanese? Will it make any different?

Thank :slight_smile:

Hi Kanapol,

Welcome to the Forum! Glad you found us!

I don’t know of any specific research as such, but I’m 100% sure it applies just as well for languages such as Chinese and Japanese. In fact, you could argue that it applies even better to pictorial languages because in the early stages, you are flashing WHOLE WORDS to the child, and the child recognizes the word as a whole ‘picture’, not phonetically.

BTW, one of the most famous pioneers in the field of early learning is Shichida (Japanese), and his system includes flashcards too.

It still impresses me, the sight of such young children reading. I cant believe that my child will ever be that good. I am so disorganized that i will have to start up a schedule for myself so that i can fit everything in. :smiley: well done

I’ve got a question. Baby Anson was quizzed on each words in a way that is totally not recommended by Glenn Doman. Yet, she’s able to respond in an amazing way. So, is Glenn’s strict recommendation of not testing your child valid?

I think the key is to do it in such a way that does not pressure your child. It’s not only how you ask (your tone), but also your reaction if he/she gets it wrong. If you treat it as a game and avoid letting your child in any way feel bad if she gets it wrong or pressured to give the right answer, then I think it’s no different from playing a game where you ask your child, “can you show me where your nose is?”