BABIES: New documentary about babies

Looks really good according to the preview. 4 babies followed for 1 year… a documentary with no commentary.
“This visually stunning new movie simultaneously follows four babies around the world - from first breath to first steps. From Mongolia to Namibia to San Francisco to Tokyo, BABIES joyfully captures on film the earliest stages of the journey of humanity that are at once unique and universal to us all.”!

I’d love to see that! It looks very interesting

More info on those children:

I’m guessing it’s only showing on US tv, so if someone finds this documentary (or extract) available on the net, please let us know.

It’s actually a movie being shown in theaters.

Thanks Nhockaday. I was watching French tv just now and the producer was advertising the documentary, to be released in French theaters on the 16th of June apparently. He was saying that they stopped shooting when the babies were 18 months as they became too aware of the camera lol
Can’t wait to see it!

More info about those babies and the personal opinion of the journalist. Worth a look.

can’t wait to see it
after reading the interview i was wondering whether the parents were paid to participate in the film?

I hope they put it in Peru.
I like the babies crawling and the end with the animal drinking water in the babies tub.
I imagine there will not be too many differences around the world.
Please write your comments after watching the documental.

does anyone know if you can get this film online?
i live in mexico and it’s not showing here :frowning:

I’m pretty sure they were not. I heard the director saying that they did not select people who were too keen in participating in the documentary. When the movie was over, they showed it to all families. The parents from the US and Japan remarked about hygiene and safety issues, while the other two families thought the other babies were too stimulated :wub:

It played in my town, but I’m just too busy with work and our little boy to see it!

The preview was so cute, though, and I already started tearing up.

Ever since I became a mom, I tear up as soon as I see adorable babies - it’s crazy!
I’m one big ball of mom hormones…

i know even my husband cries at anything with kids
i think it sweet :slight_smile:

Something similar occurred to me when i became a grandma.
Enjoy your kids, they grow too too fast.

Super cute movie - be sure to open the speaker ã„› ~