Aussie in London

Hi, my name is Karli. I’m originally from Australia (NSW), came to the UK for a holiday in 2001 and now here I am…31, married and living in the suburbs with a baby!!!
Livin’ the Dream lol

I was blessed enough to have an amazing home-birth with my son 15 months ago and am enjoying being a SAHM. I plan to start work (honest)as birth support, breast-feeding support sometime …soon, but at the moment, he is still breast feeding and I dont really fancy leaving him in a daycare centre.

We started thinking about teaching him to read about a month ago and this site has been a blessing. He is absolutely obsessed with animals and will watch the Little Reader until I beg him for a turn on the computer! :yes: So far he canread about ten animals, makes the sign or noise for them, and I am sure he knows more but doesnt know the sign for them. Now just waiting for his communication skills to catch up with his brain!!!

Karli dats really good that your in recognising many things.This site will make your son to fall in love with it.

Hi and welcome to the forums! It is great to have you here. I’m so glad that you find the site and Little Reader helpful. Hopefully, the forums will help too! Please browse through and add to discussions, if you’d like. We would love to hear more about your experiences; it sounds like you have a lot to share!
Please let us know if you have any questions.