So, I was at my girlfriend’s place this morning for a playdate and her husband, who works at home, came into the livingroom and announced that they would now be calling me and my husband Mr & Mrs instead of the Auntie and Uncle that we’ve been since our boys were born two years ago. I knew that they’d been talking about the change for a bit, but none-the-less, it still came as a bit of a surprise. I liked being “Auntie” to her son. Our children are very familiar with each other’s mother and we joke about having two sons but only one comes home with us at the end of the day. They want to call me “Mrs.” but I’d like to be called “Auntie”…yet, it doesn’t seem right to say that given their pronouncement. On the other hand, it’s their kid. They should be able to have him call adults what they think is proper regardless of what other people want to be referred to. I’m conflicted…because now, as per their request, I have to retrain my son to call them Mr. & Mrs. I’m sure that this will be harder for me to do than for him to learn!
So, my questions for you are: What did you decide to call your close friends? And, who gets to choose what they are called, you or them?
All my close friends are Aunties and all associates are Mrs. and Mr.
It wasn’t really a decision that I made, but it was what felt comfortable to me at the time of introduction.
I believe that children should learn always respect for other since little ones. I don’t allow my daughter to call me for my name…she needs to call me mommy ,same thing with my husband. Because is about respect. I know there are parents who allow children to call them for their names since they are 2-3 years old ,I respect that.But this is not my case!
Whenever someone cames over for a playday or visit, I tell my daughter This is Ms… or Mr…, I have no close friends(call me weird, but my life is too busy that I have no time for them, and my short free time I dedicate to my family 100%) I have friends who stops by once a month or so…always phone calls here and there once a week maybe, so when they came to visit I tell my daughter to call them MS…Mr.
From my personal opinion I should not confuse my children about who is her family? No guarantees that your close friend will be next year living in the same state.
In the United States I think is difficult to find friends who can always live in the same town as you do…some times(most of the time)people move to another state and it is difficult to keep on touch.
I wouldn’t take it personal at all. I think.