At what age?

What age do you start?
I think I remember something about waiting til 3 or 4 months old?

And if you were getting to start right at the beginning, what all would you do?

Newest little guy is 4 weeks tomorrow :slight_smile:

Just want to start getting things together for him :slight_smile:

Momagain, congratulations!

It depends what you mean by “starting”

We started listening to Music, narrating things, poetry and reading before birth. When my kids were born we would continue those, adding using the potty from day 1, narrating everything we were doing or observing and tactile stimulation ( soft, hard, cold, warm, etc). We would do some elements of Doman Physically Superb Program at that time as well.

As far as Little Reader, Little Math, LMs and languages, we started at around 4 months. We have not added any other educational videos till about 6 or 7 months, and very little for that.

We also did a lot of visual stimulation at about 4-8 weeks

Hope these ideas help :slight_smile: That is what I’ve been doing with 3 of my children.

Thanks :slight_smile:

I couldn’t start prenatally as I didn’t even meet him (or know of his existence) until he was two days old.
But we most certainly are trying to give him every advantage :slight_smile:

I’ve been fortunate to really make a difference in a lot of children’s lives.
This is the first time we’ve had a newborn though :slight_smile: So exciting!

That is so exciting, momagain!

On a large scale, you are among a very few who starting that early!! And your new son is certainly blessed to have such incredible parents!

Overall I looked at our EL journey as a way of connecting with my children, responding to their needs and treating them as little individuals they are :slight_smile: I have not even though about it much as a learning, or scheduling, but as a way of life, constantly talking to them and exposing them to new experiences.

Wow, you are giving an amazing gift to your new son!

Welcome Momagain ! you have landed in a wonderful pool of early learning :slight_smile:

For your query on "What age do you start? " , I go with skylark …the learning begins right in the prenatal stage ! And hatsoff in your case , ur kid is gifted to have a wonderful mom !

0 to 2 months pretty much smiles and songs would do great ! just narrate him what all u do…like ‘mommy is changing ur diapers’…‘its sunny and bright today’ etc . Try out the black n white patterns from Brillkids infant section …I used to stick them near his cribs . And little toys of black n white to hold n see. (coz their eye sight is not fully developed yet )

3 to 4 months u can introduce to contrast Red patterns , do sleep talk n alpha music for relaxation.
and ofcourse just read to ur little one…i was even read aloud the parenting book for that matter…
And action songs with expressions…they would enjoy n love it !

Anywhere from 3 to 6 months would be a good time to introduce flash cards - u can print it out from brill kids. Do more of touch n feel learn, make him feel the soft,mushy,slithery,ridgy, shiny stuffs :slight_smile: they wud love it.

Happy mommying :slight_smile: