At what age i should start teaching my baby music?


My baby is 6 month old.
I am not sure at what age i should start teaching my baby music?
Please share your expereince.


You can start now, just put on CD’s of music. It doesn’t HAVE to be classical music but instrumentals, acoustic, acapella are also idea. It could even be simple “childrens music” though I don’t like grating/annoying songs and can’t see us having a happy ending if lousy childrens music was played daily. So, I’ll have to find lots of quality music.

I can’t sing a lick, so I’m planning to let my kids grow up with lots of acoustic and aCapella music so that they’ll know what it sounds like when a tune is carried properly. I plan to ration jazz and classical music (3 of 5 songs will be Jazz) also, both are wordless and I prefer to.

I would love for my children to receive formal training (unless they’re just gifted prodigies) in piano, recorder and violin when they are toddlers and young children.

baby einstein’s bach and mozart and beethoven etc… :slight_smile:

musical education begins in the womb and ends in the grave and varies for every single individual on this planet.

When your baby was born they were born with the wonderful ability to hear and learn every note. Like language though this ability diminishes with age unless used.

So to ensure that your child keeps their wonderful natural abilities give them plenty of variety in the types of background music that you play. Contrary to popular belief you should not limit this to classical or orchestral music. Get a variety of musical genres from a variety of different cultures and allow your child to make their own decision on how music effects them. My son, even in the womb, has always been very particular about what he likes and doesn’t like and music really is a personal choice.

In regards to extending their musical abilities this is a great age for percussive and rhythmical games. Access to musical instruments both real and homemade is important. If you google home made instruments you’ll find heaps of examples. A personal favourite of mine is rice in different containers. But anything can make music so just and experiment and have fun.

I agree with TmS, music is a life long ability and education. It truly is a gift for your child’s entire life. Not many 80 year olds play football or soccer, but they can sing and play instruments.

Get all of the CDs and background music recommended by others. Most importantly, SING. Sing to your baby; sing with your baby. Music is both a language itself and in language. If you can talk, you can sing. Sing folk songs, nursery rhymes, pop songs, hymns … it doesn’t matter. Please don’t fall into the ‘performers only’ cultural trap. I am so frustrated with the trend that only perfect artists are allowed to be heard. This idea has been absorbed by our society so that music is no longer a community activity but a spectator sport.

If you want your child to have music, model it to them. Children don’t want or expect us to be ‘American Idol’ or Yiruma. If you don’t do it, they won’t try.

Now I will climb off my soap box podium. Sorry, I get a little passionate about the subject. It comes with the territory I guess. I am the creator of KinderBach because I wanted all children to have music as part of their basic education.


I am a mom that sings all time for my children and my oldest one wants to start music class, she loves to sing “Justin Bieber”, “Lady Gaga”, etc the hits… in your opinion, what kind of classes should she start, any recommendation accepted. Thanks.

How old is she? My son LOVES music. We started with a little program in our Leisure Guide called Fun with Music twos and threes. We did that for 2 or three semesters(2-3 years old) and then the class started getting too crowded. Then we did Music for under children for 3 semesters (3-4). Then we took a break and this fall(5years old) we started Suzuki private lessons. I’ve also exposed my son to the cds Themes to Remember. We use to play them in the car commuting from daycare, to home. But now that I stay at home we us it less.


She is also 5y, here where I live I don´t have suzuki lessons, any other sugestion will be great. Thanks.

Music for Young Children offers keyboard lessons for older children (4 and up). Also look on kijiji or craigs list. They often have private music teachers postings on there. You can even put your on ad up and see if there is a Suzuki trained teacher in your area.

I think you need to decide what you want your daughter to get out of the music lessons. A 5 year old is a great age to start any of the programs suggested. Are you after social interaction with a little music knowledge or do you want her to start on an instrument?

Either way, KinderBach sounds like it would fit your goals. You can go through the program on your own at home or make your own music class with another family. 5 years old is a perfect age to get started with basic keyboard and use it to spring board into other instruments.

Here is a link to an outline of the KinderBach curriculum:

Happy hunting. I wish you many blessings as you choose what is right for your child.
