At what age did your child start writting numbers or letters

My grandson likes coloring and he is doing it better each time.
We have not shown him to write letters or numbers. I remember my kids started writting sticks and circles and that was around 5 years (I think at kindergarten). Since nowadays everything is done earlier i was wondering what time is good for starting with that.

5, 3 and 4… the older child liked to play ‘school’, so the younger siblings would literally sit at chairs attentively while the older one stood at a white board and gave lessons… very cute, and VERY helpful.

Certainly, others’ example is very very helpful. My daughter start reading on her own at an early age when she saw my son and her cousin reading.
My grandson is the oldest of his generation so he has no one to learn from. i guess I will have the benefit of teaching him, in a few months.

Dakota will be 3 at the end of august and she is not writing yet. I do make sure I incorporate time for drawing and artsy things into our week. She can draw circles and lines and is now able to draw a kind of stick figure person. It was basicaly a head with arms, legs, and scribles for the hands and feet. But I thought it was really neat. She also drew eyes and a mouth for it. She drew an o, p and t one day when I asked her to. She did it herself I just drew right next to her so she could look at it and copy it. But I’m not going to worry about really writing for a little while longer. She is not even 3 yet. And were still working on reading. Let us know what activities you do when you start to teach writing : )

My dd just turned 3 & is mainly into drawing circles & lines. She draws people, but they are hard to recognize. Odd was drawing people with a circular body & stick legs at this point. I think part of it is that the 3 yo doesn’t really like drawing.

My son is 2 1/2 and loves scribbling. He can write a few letters clearly and even drew a car! I think this is because he just really loves drawing and could hold a pen all day.