Hello everyone! I’m a huge fan of baby signing time and my daughter is too! We have the 1st two volumes and at 16 months, she knows almost all the signs and amazingly can say most of the words! I’m about to purchase the complete set and I just had a query. We lie in the UK and obviously here BSL is used. I was just wonderig if there are lots of differences between bsl and asl. My older son is interested in signing too but I’m just wondering if it’ll be any use for them learning asl when they live in the UK. I’m hoping there’re really none because I absolutely love signing time. Any advise will be much appreciated. Thank you.

I toyed with the idea of not getting signing time at all because ASL is different to AUSLAN (Australian version of sign language based on BSL) I decided that i would buy the complete set because we don’t know any deaf people and in the end it became about me, my husband and family communicating with my little dd

There are some similarites but alot of differences to such as the alphabet. If you are really interested in learning BSL and working with the deaf then go ahead do a BSL course because that is what you will need to have to work with the deaf. If none of the above are factors then purchase signing time.

It saddens me that there are no other countries doing their own version of ‘signing time’ in their own native sign language. I have written to my local free to air no commercial tv station and have suggested that they do a similar version of signing time but to no avail yet :frowning: maybe you could petition the BBC?