Arts and crafts books or websites for 2 years old

Could anyone please recommend some good and not very complicated (in a sense of materials used) craft books or pages for a 2year old? Thanks

I really like the Crafty Crow. You can filter the crafts by age in the right hand column. What is really nifty about this site is that it links to maybe 100 different blogs where you can find even more crafting inspiration.

The best book I have read about art for children is Young At Art. She has kids starting art at 1 year old.

Here’s a good one I just found
and please see this post for some other sites

I just got “Young at Art” from the library. It is FULL of great suggestions…not actual craft plans. For instance, it offers ideas for painting: “throwing”, scraffito, crayon resist, symmetry folding, straw blowing, etc. It explains how to do these activities but it leaves A LOT of room for creativity. It is an ART book to teach your child artistic skills, not a CRAFT book that teaches your child to follow directions. So, if you’re looking to expose your child to creative opportunities, this may be a good book to start with. I found it to be a bit “textbooky” but I think I will end up buying it anyway for the suggestions it offers - too many to photocopy :slight_smile:

Also, there are some great resources at the back: lyrics and music for colour and movement (30 pages of songs), booklist for many, many different art concepts (50 pages), and actual “lesson plans” (concept, materials needed, booklist, snack, song, game, drawing/painting/collage/sculpture activity) throughout.

Price on book cover is $21.95 CDA

this is not necessarily a craft site, but will have a spot for diy, and games. go to the playground, and it has games that your 2 yr old will totally love…the channel is wonderful for babies and toddlers. that is what it is made for…

Thanks Granmommy! I’m going to show this to my little wonder this afternoon. Do you know how to fully turn off the music when you go to the classic art page? I see the button on the top right but, as far as I can see, you have to click it each time a new painting shows up…kind of irritating to listen to both songs concurrently.

sorry, i only know how to click it off at the top. the art puzzle is my 2yr olds favorite…then she loves the the puzzle where you choose the shapes…it is so funny what i think is not so grand babies love…i guess it just goes to show the site is not for us…lol

Yeah…this afternoon I found that button…in my haste I didn’t scroll up! Such is my life…rather than slow down I hurry…sigh…

Hi I cannot find that “classical art page” with the puzzle you talk about. Can you please tell me where it is?
Thanks ISA

Many thanks to all of you. You gave me so many wonderfull sites and ideas, we have a craft schedule for a month already. Karma to all of you!

Books i would recommend is “Young Art” and for websites you can have a look at