Article says: "Love your kids? Prove it by beating them."

hi all moms n daddys…

i just want to share this article with all brill kids parents and really want to know how u all feel about this.
The article is below…

1,980,551 people don't know the difference between discipline and child abuse.

"How come everyone today is too much of a ***** to smack their kids around? That’s what I want to know: why are parents afraid to beat their kids? When I was a kid and I screwed up, my parents beat my ***. We didn’t have a conversation about it. I didn’t have a “time out.” In fact, I’ve never even once been grounded in my life. What’s the point? Send your kid to his room and make him play video games and read comic books all day? Great idea, why don’t you take him to a psychiatrist while you’re at it so she can pull some disorder out of her *** to hide the fact that you’re a bad parent?

Kids today need a good beating every now and then.

[Rest of article deleted since many may find it offensive - KL]

Is this true?? I am kind of confused!!!

This thread was reported by someone and was quarantined in the Admin board, presumably cos the article used profanities, and cos some may find the message offensive, including detailing different ways to beat your child.

After editing it, I’m moving it back for discussion, because whether I agree with it or not, I think it is a legitimate topic, as I know some people do think this way (in varying degrees).

For people choosing to discuss this, please remember:


and most of all:


I think that is a personal option, but we have to think kids have feelings and we can not pass the line, everything has a limit, I don’t have the idea that we have to beat our kids for them to be “better kids” . If we love our kids and we let them know they are doing something wrong we have to correct them,of course…but beating them?? ways!!,COMUNICATION!!! that’s the only way we will have a succesfull child and a good human being.
in their future they won’t have those badddddddddd… memories…from parents beating therir kids!!! No ways…I am teacher and I really prefer taking the comunication way insted of the beating way!!

There is so many different ways to help our kids to improve their behavior, not only time out…or beating them…gosh I don’t even want to think about that…makes me sad!
But there are many option, we just need to educate ourself for being able to educate our child!!

I know the bible says spare the rod and spoil your child… so I tend to spoil them according to that verse. I find spanking difficult, and have hardly done that. I have read some extremist christian literature advocating spanking as a regular frequent activity, as if it’s great for the soul. I think it was written by an amish dad… it was all about using switches off trees to spank with. I just think that is cruelty, and I’d find it hard to love a parent who treated me like that. I think it’s not something you should do much of at all, as too much of it breeds fear not love.

I thought the idea of spanking has become obsolete quite a few years back.
But why it needs revival is not so clear.

Perhaps because we have not taken to a truly gentle revolution…
I donot mean to sound offensive to anyone but probably some roots lie in our own upbringing that violent means of tackling a problem come-up sooner than later…

Isn’t it true that when kids are growing up, its more an opportunity for us to grow-up. …- Just a thought for introspection.

Hi fazy,

lol No need to be confused, the article is meant purely as jocular irony and not to be taken seriously at all. It’s written by one of the Internet’s most infamous “celebrities”, who specialises in politically incorrect humour.

The original article may be found at and definitely isn’t backed up by any source or authority. At least I’ve never heard of “the Dragon kick” as a recommended parenting method! :smiley:

Always be wary of uncited literature on the Internet! :yes:

shuki :slight_smile:

Just a thought about grounding kids :slight_smile:

i attended this training about teenagers once and they said that teh most effective punishment is something related and short enough to be followed through and still be a clear statement… for example if they stay out too late then next time they go out they come back two hours earlier than normal… it’s much more subtle and effective then if that doesn’t work you work your way up… that way the responsibility is totally on the kid and not the big bad parenta nd they are learning a lesson…

i would say much more effective than grounding or hitting :wink: