Article: Boy genius's book reveals life in college at age 8

Boy genius’s book reveals life in college at age 8

By JOHN ROGERS | Associated Press – 4 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The one thing 14-year-old Moshe Kai Cavalin dislikes is being called a genius.

All he did, after all, was enroll in college at age 8 and earn his first of two Associate of Arts degrees from East Los Angeles Community College at age 9, graduating with a perfect 4.0 grade point average.

Now, at 14, he’s poised to graduate from UCLA this year. He’s also just published an English edition of his first book, “We Can Do.”

The 100-page guideline explains how other young people can accomplish what Cavalin did through such simple acts as keeping themselves focused and approaching everything with total commitment.

He’s hoping it will show people there’s no genius involved, just hard work.

“That’s always the question that bothers me,” Cavalin, who turned 14 on Valentine’s Day, says when the G-word is raised. “People need to know you don’t really need to be a genius. You just have to work hard and you can accomplish anything.”

And maybe cut out some of the TV.

Although he’s a big fan of Jackie Chan movies, Cavalin says he limits his television time to four hours a week.

Not that he lacks for recreational activities or feels that his parents pressured him into studying constantly. He writes in “We Can Do” of learning to scuba dive, and he loves soccer and martial arts.

He used to participate in the latter sport when he was younger, winning trophies for his age group, until his UCLA studies and his writing made things a little too hectic.
Indeed one of the key messages of his book is to stay focused and to not take on any endeavor half-heartedly.

“I was able to reach the stars, but others can reach the 'Milky Way,” he tells readers.

It was a professor at his first institution of higher learning, East Los Angeles City College, who inspired him, Cavalin says. He didn’t like the subject but managed to get an A in it anyway, by applying himself and seeing how enthusiastic his teacher, Richard Avila, was about the subject.

Avila, he says, inspired him to write a book explaining his methods for success so he could motivate others.

It took four years to finish, in part because Cavalin, whose mother is Chinese, decided to publish it in Chinese, and doing the translation himself was laborious.

Han Shian Culture Publishing of Taiwan put the book in print, and it did well in Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia, as well in several bookstores in Southern California’s Asian communities. He then brought it out in English for the U.S. market.

Because of his heavy study load, Cavalin has had little opportunity to promote the book, other than a signing at UCLA, where he also lives in student housing with his parents and attends the school on a scholarship.

After earning his bachelor’s degree, the math major plans to enroll in graduate school with hopes of eventually earning a doctorate.

After that, he’s not so sure. He points out that he’s still just barely a teenager.

“Who knows?” he says, chuckling at the thought of what lies ahead in adulthood. “That’s a very distant future, and I’m pretty much planning for just the next few years. That’s too far into the future for me to see.”

Interesting. I would love to interview his parents. After all, we all know they had a lot to do with it…

thanks for sharing that!

@mandy, i thought so too - so i emailed him. will let you guys know his reply :slight_smile:

Oh fun! It brings up a valid subject. My son is 6 and functioning at a 4th grade level. Does one move him forward, like this child or let him function in a school environment, to “socialize” him? He is now in Kindergarten and the school puts him in 4th grade class for math and english. Next year, I have found a high bryd school that will do the same but I homeschool him for 2 of the 5 days…just wondering if anyone out there has had experience or is going through what I am going through. Lovely problem to have - thanks to Doman!


This a a problem I deal with a lot since I teach accelerated learning to children. There is good news and bad news about accelerated learning. The good news is that it is definitely possible to achieve a child who is years above grade level. The bad news is then you have to deal with a child years above grade level.

You seem to have a workable balance right now and have dealt with it for the upcoming school. Kids placed out of their age level sometimes have to deal with distressing issues. It is harder to make friends. You are the oddball. He will need plenty of opportunity to spend time with kids his own age while continuing to find ways to challenge him academically. Home schooling is certainly one of the main avenues of accomplishing this.

I always tell parents they need to engage the child’s free will in the issue and discuss the ramifications with them. Let them have a voice in what happens to them and what it may mean, makes it easier to accept and adjust. My daughter skipped first grade because she could already read. The kids in second grade had already bonded with others, had their friends so to speak. She was new, younger, shy. It was difficult for her. The alternative would have been to leave her in first grade where she would have learned nothing all year.

There are answers but they are not always easy. You will be dealing with it for his entire academic career. The way I look at it there will be challenges regardless of grade level, the challenge of being behind, the challenge of being mediocre, the challenge of being ahead. You and your child must choose what challenge you would prefer to deal with.

Dr Jones, what a great answer! Karma to you! I thinker you summed it up beautifully :slight_smile:
@Mandy WOW you have managed to get a school agree to what I think would be a close to perfect arrangement! , how on earth did you manage that?