Art genius

Discovered this Art genius child on Youtube, and found it interesting that she is homeschooled, and only studies the subjects that interest her (thus, absolutely no Mathematics!). She does art from 4am for at least 5 hours a day, 6 days a week. Sometimes up to 14 hours without breaks for eating and drinking.
As someone posted in the comments section under the video clip, and it seems a fair point…(this person’s strong point was not spelling or grammar)…

“If we all were allowed to study only our best of skills wed have the chance to be like this but we are bound to study every single freaken subject even if we never use it again so that now we just waisted large portions of life that could have been focused on achieving a higher skill in our abilities…”

Perhaps we need to identify our childs natural giftings early and concentrate on that area mostly. So as not to water down those abilities and learning opportunities by studying every possible subject area. (Be a master of one trade, rather than a jack of all trades). Because that is mediocre really. Prodigies are usually prodigies in one area only.

This is super Nikita…

Si inspiring. Thanks for sharing this!

wow beautiful :yes:
thanks for sharing with us!

Wow, what a rare and special individual.

I will be curious to know what happens as she grows.

Will she work with a mentor or go to an art academy someplace steeped in the painting craft like Italy?
Will she ever bore of her work?
Will she ever need to know other skills like math if she is so special in one field?

And her intense spirituality - it’s uncanny!

Thanks for posting.


See her website for more about her work:

She’s not just an artist. She’s a writer/poet, too. She’s written two best selling books, among others… A very coherent young lady. Very inspiring.

It’s really very inspiring. I might want to start to think about my girl interest and focus more on that areas. lol

Yeah… That’s the way it was for most other geniuses - Mozart - music, Tiger Woods - golf, Michael Jordan - basketball… But the only way to find your child’s passion is to expose them. Right now my son’s only obsession is Thomas and Friends… Can’t really figure out what to make of that one…