Are your kids afraid of darkness????

Hi all,
i would like to know if all kids are afraid of darkness??? My son is too much afraid of darkness. Dont know how to make him feel normal!!! Any ideas???

My baby is only 9 months old, so far he doesn’t seem like he is afriad of the darkness. He would chase a ball right in to a dark room and stay there if he feels like it. Of course I m right behind him (but he doesn’t know that sometimes) I see him hesitates sometimes, but I think thats only because he needed a moment to adjust his eyes.

When he was a baby, I used to rock him in the darkness by the window and tell him about the moon and stars… I don’t know if that has anything to do with it. But I would think maybe you can sit in the dark room with him and sing to him or tell him stories. maybe he fear the darkness little less. good luck!

E is not afraid of dark if the room is dark she would say its the night. at night she sometimes wakes up to take some water. and she hate if i litup at the time. she is fine with dark.

baby might get afraid of dark if she had bad imagination about the darkness or she is uncertain about the safety in the darkness. you can away tell him the reason of darkness. i mean

tell your child that the room is dark because i switch off the lights. it will lit up if we turn on the lights. and darkness always doesn’t mean mean danger.

you can also play hide and seek on a dark room and there is so many activities you can PLAY at dark room.


  ya here i would like to say that every child has one or more they grow older the nature of phobias changes ex.if a child is afraid of water when he was young possibly in his later years he is afraid of snakes but not water .kids grow like this .my kid is also afraid of darkness.he is not willing to go to a dark room alone , he request me to come not to worry :yes: javascript:void(0)javascript:void(0)javascript:void(0)

I know when I was a kid I needed a nightlight or my imagination ran wild. As for my son, he perfers to sleep in the darkest room possible and never has issues with it. Depends on the child, I’d say what your child is doing is very normal


My 3 year old is not but my 5 year old is afraid of the dark. On nights where she is very scared and can not sleep we let her sleep with her light on. But normally she is tired enough at bedtime that the hall light is enough with her door open. This is all new stuff. She just started this a few months ago.

p.s. We used a night light and one evening she was up playing and put a coin next to the night light outlet and it slightly shocked her. :unsure: wikes! So we now use the hallway light. :wink:

Best Regards,

I meant yikes! LOL!

We leave my sons room dark otherwise he’s running around the room instead of sleeping!

When we were growing up my sister was terrified of the dark. She’s fine now, but I think the best approach is to just provide some light and I’m sure children grow out of it.

When my DD was around 16 month, she would stare and cry in fear during sunset and asked that the curtains be closed. She was also afraid of the night if she looked outside but not as much as in the evening when the sky was turning dark. But strangely, she did not seem to be afraid to walk into the room by herself when the light was not switched on (provided that the curtains were closed) … may be because there was usually some light source (though it could be quite small) from the other room or from the hall.

What I did was showed her Youtube that explained day and night and that helped a bit. She grew out of it after a few months but occasionally it comes back but definitely not as afraid as before. But now at 28 month, she gets scared when she sees curtains and even cartoon that shows long hair being blown by the wind … strange.

Thanks everybody.
@ autumn i’m trying your method of taking him to the dark and telling him stories. He started liking it. I’ll have to do some more process for making him move into the darkness alone without fear.
Thanks a lot.