are you tired?

i have a very nice,clever,kind and sweet daughter
she is 22 months
but I’m sooooooo tired
I’m a working mom ,i work every day about 5-6 hours
and i wish if i have another baby to give my daughter the joy of having a brother or sister

i try to do my best for my daughter(teaching reading in 2 languages,playing with her,reading books…)

sometime i think that i should quit from my job
or not having another baby

I’m really tired :rolleyes: but i love my kid and she is the most important one in my life ,
i work because her father and me wish to give her best materials for learning…best schools…every good thing

lol i’m sorry for my silly topic,but i want just to talk

Well I must say I felt the same way… :laugh: I think you are not alone. There are many moms out there who are or had been tired while raising kids and trying to keep up with their jobs.

I am a full time Mom because I decided to quit my job to stay home with my son but let me tell you that a staying home Mom is not an easy job. It’s a job that nobody but you know what you have done and how much you have to deal with every day…having said that I would still prefer taking a break from a corprate world to be with my kiddo.

Now my son is almost 3 and has gone to a preschool. I start missing work and am thinking about working part time when my son goes to school full time.

We also want the best of everything for our son too, and we are doing our best to provide him whatever aids /tools we could afford to help him reach or exeed his potentials.

You are doing your best and am sure you are a great mom. :slight_smile:


Of course you’re tired! When I went back to work full time last year, and I had 2.5+ hours commute each day, I was so tired all the time. I also have some chronic health issues that made me even more tired, and after almost 3 months, I resigned. I have twins, and after calculating our child-care costs, we decided it’s not worth it. I was still coming on top, but it wasn’t all that much.

I love being with my girls, and it is hard work, but I love that we don’t have to go anywhere when we don’t feel like it. No more commute. More importantly, I work with people I really love. When someone asked Warren Buffet about what was the best thing about being rich, he said that it was that he didn’t have to work with people he didn’t like. Only billionaires and stat-at-home moms can say that!

Sounds like you’re working part time already, but may be you could cut your hours a bit more? With my job, it wasn’t an option. It was full time or no time, but I think it would’ve been nice to get out of the house now and then for sanity sake if anything. You have to decide what’s best for you.

May be your husband can help pitch in more? Hire some help? To have someone come and clean the house is huge help.

It does get easier though when they get older, so hang in there :slight_smile: We’ve all been there, so we understand.

Take care.

Hang in there, momma. That’s how I feel too. I hear it does get easier as LO’s get older.

I am sure all the mums, whether they are working or stay-at-home, feel the same…looking after kids, especially small kids is a tiring:(

I am a working woman too…I feel as long as I have a family support to look after my kid when I am away at work and as long as I can spend at least 3-4 hours of quality time with my baby, I can continue working.

We all want to give the best to our kids…everything is so expensive these days that if two people are working, it’s financially better…but this should not happen at the cost of your child’s development. What we are doing now will shape the child’s future, hence it’s very important that we constatly evaluate and do whatever is in the best interest of the kid.

This is just a phase in your life and it’ll pass. After few years, your kids will be big and you’ll be proud of yourself that you looked after them so well:)

I have been a SAHM for 2 years now and I am always physically tired. My DH always says to me, “how can you be soo tired, you do nothing all day! How come you didn’t clean this, how come you didn’t do that” AARGH!!". It really angers me, his family say that I am very lazy because I choose not to work and also think I do nothing all day but sit on the computer. When my daughter is home, she is into EVERYTHING and is very cheeky, non-stop on the go, although very few tantrums. When daddy comes home, she is very placid - complete opposite to what I have to deal with, so he thinks she is like this all the time. I know she is like this because by the time he gets home, she is soo tired from running around all day. If he was the SAHD, he’d know it’s not easy. If I was working hours like yours, I would be EXTREMELY tired and no matter what, every parent should/does feel tired, I’d be a bit concerned if one wasn’t tired at all - are they even spending time with their child?.

Although my DH loves our DD, I feel like I’m a single mum! He expects me to do everything and he just pays the bills. I pretty much do everything, every now and then he’ll contribute, whether giving her a bath or holding her when she wants to be held, but it doesn’t come without whinging on his part. I go to bed very late each night, as I am creating a home curriculum for my daughter and I feel guilty spending time on the computer when she is home awake, usually around 1-3am depending on how I feel and wake up 8am so tired. If I sleep in on the weekends, my husband complains because he works 8.30am - 17.30pm everyday and I have an easy job so I should be the one up early to look after our little one on a WE. Because of all this and the fact that in 2 years, I’ve never had anyone babysit my child besides from when she started daycare in September this year, I am drained as I’ve never had time to sit down and rest properly but I have to keep going because my DH is lazy (sorry darling!).

You seem to be doing a great job, keep it up

Oh nic your husband must be a clone of mine! He is completely useless around the house. I have 3 kiddies and I went back to work after the first and second were a few months old. I was constantly tired as I worked and then came home to do all the house work and cooking. I left for work at 5am and was home by 3 so I beat my dh home by 2 hours so he figured I had all the time in the world to clean! I was so tired I actually drove off down our street and forgot my baby was asleep in her cot! I came home called my neighbor to baby sit and went to bed! After I had my third I refused to go back to work. I made it clear that since I was doing all the home duties he could pay all the bills, saying he can’t have it both ways! There is no way I could hold my job now and keep up without external help, so I don’t try to anymore. I do miss work, but it’s not worth it. I can honestly tell you that the third child is more than a third more work!
Please remember ladies you are not superwoman, it’s ok to spend some quality personal time on the couch alone, it is ok to leave your baby with a friend for an hour and have a cup of tea in piece, it is ok to spit it accasionally when hubby comes home and just walk out the door saying I am having a walk ALONE!
The help with the tiredness I can recommend a daily multivitamin, I am always surprised by how much this helps. Take a nap when the opportunity arises. And try to fit in some exercise, it will make you tired in the short term but will make you happy and more energetic after a few days. It could be as simple as dancing for 10 mins with bub or chasing a ball in the park. It is important, very important for your mental health and physical health. Finally try to laugh, even if it is just at your own silly baby jokes!
It really does get better as the kids get older, even if they do decide to get up a 5 am every single day!

I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Funny thing is every time I call my hubby at work he just says how quiet and easy his job is and only feels tired because it’s very dark by 6pm. I think he just wants to avoid parental responsibilities and have more time for his computer and xbox. Boys will be boys as the saying goes. I agree that taking a break is very important. It will do more harm than good pretending to be super mum and that is why I decided to have 3 days a week to myself. I feel so much better now.

It’s hard when both parents work but I would suggest to any parent feeling tired to either ask for less hours whether the husband or wife or both or find a different job more suitable to your needs and split up the parental duties like you (the wife) can be the one to cook all the time but you and your husband take turns in the cleaning, laundry, bathing,reading to the kids and changing them etc. Can prepare food in bulk and freeze the rest for later or have some help from the ILs if the relationship is good, let them have the kids for the day on the weekend or come over after work and help a little.

Oh dear. My LO is 10 mo old and I’ve been exhausted for 10 mo. I have heard that it gets easier as they get older but I thoght that would be about 2 yrs old. So hearing that you’re still exhausted with almost 2 yr olds is a little discouraging. I work p/t now although that will end in a few months. My commute is 4 hrs round trip but only going into the city 2 of my 3 days and telecommuting one of those days. My DH watches LO when I am at work and as such, he REALLY knows how hard it is to take care of a baby. We’re both really tired but hanging in there and trying to take it one day at a time.

My sister has 3 kids all under 4. In her opinion, she says it gets easier when they are around 4 but IMHO I think it all depends on the child and the parenting techniques used on the child and whether or not there are other siblings. My 2 year old is a very good 2 year old. My niece at 2 years old (now 3 1/2) was a little terror as she was often provoked by her then 3 year old sister and the oldest would often play up to get attention. My sister works from home and has 3 kids at home and I always see she has a spotless home, the kids all organized, dinner done, everything else done and I envy her sometimes!

I’m tired because I never stop running around and very rarely had a break in 2 years, only had about a days worth of rest, but it’s not just because I have a 2 year old. I have to cook, clean, educate & play with my child and so on. I’m not so tired anymore because she is in daycare now 3 days/wk.

In France, as I have been told, people often look down on mothers who stay at home to look after their child/ren, only lazy mothers stay home, so for me to ask for help if I need a break, I will not get it. I stay home every day, how could I possibly be tired?! My husband is no better, he’s quite OCD about everything and makes me more tired!

It does get easier but that all depends on the child’s temperament I reckon.

what a great thread!! exhausted here too for all the same reasons. too tired to write more about it lol :wink: staying positive, though! thanks for sharing!!

Yes,friend i am also tired and quit my job for my husband is very inspiring for looking forward for my next job.My career is better than him,but i could not join any where,even couldn’t complete the next sems.When i failed,we have a great arguments about the childcare and my career.Husbands are clones like other. i also worked as single mother,she is not comfortable with his father but the arrow side is mine that i made her like this that’s why she is not comfort with his Dad.I hired for some body help but it is not to that much that i can concentrate on my Chartered accountancy course.We want to give the best education to our Dot but it means no limit.I love teaching but my passion was my accountancy and administration job,what i left.But now i compromised with my dream and started to dream for her.I have started a playschool and day care center to help other mother who are frustrated and tired like me.hope i will enjoy the fruits of my compromises.Dont worry.have a deep breath.We are the super.That’s why God made us women and Mothers.Mothers means Patience,I advised it from my grandfather. Share your feelings and You feel cared and energetic for the new start up,because Kids want their Mom n Dad as the Angles and Super men :biggrin:

Iwini, this is probably worthy of its own thread, but I too am starting a school in hopes of helping tired and/or working parents who don’t want to compromise their children’s early education. i would love to chat with you about your center and what you are doing :slight_smile:

Anyone who has had a child will understand how tired you can become. I think the most admirable thing to do is to talk about it and get support from your peers.

Do simple things like making sure you are eating and drinking healthly can make such a huge difference. I try take a bath once a week toget away from it all. I light candles and listen to classical music.


Congratulations and great-you must enjoy the greatest of your life.after that i feel the same for the other mom and the same for others baby.If i could ,i love all the kids of world :biggrin:
My motivation and my energy doubled when i felt the achievement of any milestones acquired by any baby.My cent re name is -MomzBest play school n Daycare.
I believe in mouth advertisement.keep quality and creativity.Hope the best and the best will come to you.Hope you share your ideas and suggestions.All the best. :slight_smile:

On days that I dont work, my hubby will let me sleep late till after 10am. :wink:
Then we will switch & he will go lie down for an hour or more; he is the full time home-maker.
We always try to fit in an hour of outdoor activities in the park, running with our bb in the evening.
My 15 m/o is very active,runs on her own, not wanting to be carried.
Believe me, this makes her very tired & after dinner & milk, she will lie flat like a log !
She will sleep til the next morning.
This is very good excercise for us parents too…
Always fit in excercise as this will make everyone very energetic !