Are you in favour of the epidural?

Hi, I would like to know your opinion about the epidural. There are some people today who are against it because they say it can have a lot of negative secondary effects, however I’m not quite sure about it. I have never had it given but I have heard from other mommies only good things about it.

I would not choose to have one myself. I know it is considered a safe procedure, but I prefer not to accept any treatments or medications that I don’t feel are absolutely neccesary. Safe procedures can go wrong. Even safe/well tested drugs can proven to be unsafe later. I realize though, that I am in a minority in this respect & many, many, epidurals are done every day.

I feel it’s a matter of opinion and situation. I wanted to try and go natural but I just couldn’t stand the pain and had to have the epidural. I didn’t have any problems unlike other stories I have heard.

Hi! I’m due to give birth in 6 weeks and I would have the epidural as a last resort for pain management. Epidurals CAN raise your blood-pressure and slow down the baby’s heart-beat (elevating the chances for c-section!). There are other ways to manage pain like proper breathing, visualization, and acupressure.

I didn’t want it, but I had to have it. I was very discouraged that I had to have one.
It’s true that it can raise blood pressure and cause other problems with the baby. Women for centuries have given birth without an epidural. I think women today are too quick to get one. I attended a birth class and every woman except 3 already had their minds made up to get an epidural. Why not go into it thinking you’ll try your hardest to bring your baby into the world as healthy as possible? Some people cannot deal with pain well, but some can, they just don’t want to, or listen to what their friends say too much. I would rather experience everything the way God intended it and bring my baby into the world as healthy as possible, but that’s just my opinion.

It’s UNFAIR and utterly CRUEL that women have to suffer in childbirth. I didnt ask to be born female, I just am, and why should I suffer pain to have children. I want children, love children, but hate pain. Why should I have to endure pain against my own free will, as I did not design childbirth to be painful…that was some other crazy beings design, some misogynist I guess…but not MY CHOICE. Epidural…if i have surgery or my limb amputated, I’d like anaesthesia. Same for childbirth. What those poor people in poor countries have to go through with no pain relief… it’s barbaric. I wouldnt want my daughter’s to suffer childbirth pain either… because I love them and dont want to see them suffer. To have an epidural in place is good if you need an emergency caesarian (baby too big, got stuck, in distress) as if it’s not already in place you have to have a general anaesthetic, dont get to watch the birth, and I have a friend who was in this situation and she found it hard to bond with her baby.

I had an epidural when I had my baby. Firstly I am diabetic (type 1) and they suspected I would have a caesarian, but said they would try an induction anyway at 38 weeks. I am told an induction is more painful than a normal delivery, but since I have never been able to compare I do not know. For four hours I asked for an epidural before I got one and by that time I was very high on gas and air as I had no clue how to use it properly and no one bothered to show me. The epidural was bliss and made me more aware of what was going on and gave me the break I needed before I had to push - they let it wear off almost completely by the time I gave birth so I do not feel I missed out on anything.

From what I have heard it is more common for epidurals (and even more so with spinal blocks) to drop your blood pressure rather than raise it. I guess if you are scared to get an epidural this may be enough to raise your blood pressure.

I had two children in the past two years both with NO DRUGS OF ANY KIND. I went to a birthing center where there was not an option of an epidural at the time. It’s usually a choice you make to have kids and to either be numb and miss out on the physical process of birth or actually be a participant. I chose to participate in the birth of my children and it wasn’t painless or easy. With both I had over 20 hours of labor (back labor with the first). It was extremely painful but very rewarding knowing that I did it without epidurals or any other kinds of drugs. You body produces natural drugs during the labor process so you are able to withstand more pain than you would otherwise. The babies weren’t drugged either (which happens when you get epidurals) but were alert. I didn’t have to spend days at the birthing center or even overnight. Within less than half an hour I was up and walking around. I wasn’t running, but at least I wasn’t incapacitated due to drugs. Fortunately, I didn’t have to have a caesarean.

Nobody likes to suffer or see their children suffer, but dependence on any drugs (over-the-counter or prescription) makes one weak and the body used to needing more and more of the drugs. I’ve had several pediatricians suggest giving my children Tylenol or some other pain medication when they get sick or are teething. We don’t give them any pain medications or take any ourselves. It makes both them and us stronger and less dependent on doctors out there who want nothing more than to take more of our money. I am completely AGAINST epidurals.

I have had the epidural all 4 times and have never had any problems or side effects with it, having it really helped my body to relax and my pelvic muscles to relax for the babies heads to come down quickly, also I was able to dilate faster and quicker. And delivery was always within 40-60 mintues of having the epidural (along with my water being broke). I think it really depends on the persons body, as everybody is different.

Hi, I’ve had the epidural and developed skin itchiness and rashes hours after that.
The itch and rash subsided the same day. The nurse told me that’s one of the side effects.

Had no other side effects.

I had both kids naturaly my second boy was 10lbs 3 oz (4,5 kg) the thought of a BIG neddle going into my spin was not somethign I wanted to do while i had contrations. and with my second labor If i bent over the contrations went to my back and I could not move for 15 to 20 after. But it is all in what you want if you have time read the birth partner (not sure who wrote it) it was a great book to read for me.

epidural all the way!

I technically had the edpidural with all four of my kiddos but the last one came out so fast it didn’t have time to take effect. :blink:

I felt everything! I know some people say it’s natural and any woman can do it. I totally agree, that baby was coming out whether I wanted him to or not, pain or no pain. So I would rather do it with as little pain as possible. All my babies were very healthy, no side effects. They nursed right away and were alert.

So, my thought is, if it can be safely done, then why go through all the pain. Just my opinion.

I did not have an epidural and although the pain was significant I liked that I was able to move around during labor (to the shower, bath, hall, sit on a ball/ina chair etc) also I liked that afterwards I wasn’t numb so I could get up afterwards and take a shower. And no catheter in my bladder. I think I’d do it the same way again


I had an epidural and my little girl came out fine and the nurses were very surprised at how alert she was.

I was induced so therefore I had no time for my own body’s system to kick in and the pain became completely unbearable. the epidural allowed me to dose off through out my labour, (in labour 18hours)

I ended up with a ceaser in the end due to the little one getting stressed.

My opinion is to keep an open mind, I wanted to go as natural as possible but it didn’t end up that way, What matters in the end is that your baby comes into the world safe alive and well.

You are the only person who knows your body well and you and your partner are the ones who need to make that decision. If it doesn’t end up that it is as natural as you want it to be, DO NOT BEAT YOURSELF UP ABOUT IT its wasted energy and there is nothing you can do to change it.

i always thought that i had a very high threshold for pain.
when i was in the labour room i realised i didnt.
i asked for an epidural in the middle of the night. the anaesthetist came in and after that i was pain free.

when i look back i think it was the best thing for me as after i delivered which was 5:45am i was not tired or in pain. so it was extremely easy for my son and i to bond.

i put him in my gown and did kangaroo care with him and it was lovely.
he was also alert for quite some time before he slept.

however they had to use a forceps to take him out as there was meconium in my fluid which the nurse didnt pick up.
Thank goodness he was just fine.

for my next baby i will persevere a bit more but wont hesitate to use the epidural because the bonding experience was wonderful.

You can get many pros and cons for epidural. The most important thing is for you to feel comfortable with your decision. And guess what, you can change your mind too! Mostly, I would never judge anyone for their birthing choices.

My choice was to try as “natural” as possible, but after a few hours decided on the epidural. My first child was 13 years ago. Then the epidural upset me because I could not move half of my body. Didn’t have control of my legs and that was scary. As my 24 hours of labor continued my baby was not coming out on her own and finally had a c-section. I was glad I saw everything and was able to hold her right away. It would have not felt right to miss that by having to get general anesthesia.

My 2nd and 3rd were very different. I tried a natural birth but unfortunately my body is not build for natural birth; my babies are too big for my body and my anatomy is not build for it. So ended up with 2 more c-sections. The epidurals have come a long way! In the last two I could move my legs, move around, probably could have walked, but they won’t let you try that :slight_smile: ! It didn’t even hurt when tey placed the needle.

My kids were and are all healthy, had high apgar numbers and did not have any side effects. My side effects came from the c-section.

Good luck on your decision! Remember, do what works for YOU!

I wanted to ‘brave’ it and give birth naturally - ended up giving in to the epidural …I don’t regret it one bit.

I for one can tolerate ALOT of pain (kind of been proud of it for some reason) so I thought I’d be able to handle a natural birth. I ended up having an epidural and feel tremendous respect for those with the grit to have endured natural birth.

Epidurals are awesome! I wanted to try first to go as natural as possible but it just hurt too bad. I agree with the poster who said she would want drugs to not feel an operation or amputation, so why not some to numb the pain from labor? In the old days and some parts of the world they don’t have the choice and we do. So I figure, why feel horrible horrible pain when you don’t have to? My daughter was perfect and neither of us had any side effects. It’s a personal choice I realise though.

Hi ladies… I’m a new mommy in this forum.

I’m in favour of the epidural a 100%. In most cases the benefits outweight the side effects. In my case it was completely impossible to go without it. The pain was unbearble!

Just keep your options open, don’t say no… you might need one. Besides, whats the point on suffering through childbirth. Child birth is not something you “enjoy” but you can make the situation much better. My baby was born in perfect condition, no side effects… I had no problems and really… I loved having an epidural.

Next time I have a baby, I hope they can give me an epidural at the parking lot. I don’t wanna go as far as I went without it. It was just too horribly painful