Are you addicted?

There is so much wonderful, useful, and amazing content on this website. I seem unable to stop myself from spending hours and hours reading into the night.

I hear you! Just Tuesday night I said to my husband “I think I’m addicted.” All I think about is when I can get back to the computer to learn more cool things!

I enjoy coming here each night to see what the latest posts are… and I find the most interesting thing is watching the Stats on how many new members there are each day. I wonder when we’ll beat the “Online Ever” stat.

Well I know what you mean. I wish I was in this website only ate night, but I’m actually logged in almost all day :blush: I’m in vacation and I wanted to see what important information had been posted since yesterday. I prefer to look t the recent threads that searching for my previous posts.

I need to get better :frowning:

theres worse thing to be addicted to!

I am totally addicted too in this website because I am learning a lot from other parents.
I’m just worried that I will have less time when I start working.

I’m totally addicted too. I spend lots of time getting new ideas, but then I’m too sleep deprived to prepare and use all of them. I’ve thought that I should take a vacation from the forum so I have more time to invest in preparing a daily lesson plan. At the moment, I just wing it. Somehow it all comes together because it has only been 2 months and my daughter (almost 25 months old) is reading plenty of words and counting too. I know in comparison to many of the amazing kids and parents on this forum, our accomplishments are rather ordinary - but to us, it is extraordinary and we are over the moon about it. I wish I had found this site sooner.


I’m wondering if you could shed some light…(sorry to go off topic - but I don’t yet know how to send a person to person post)… (if anyone can enlighten me, please do so!)

I’m new at teaching reading to my son (it’s only been one month). What I’d like to know is what are you doing every day to ensure you get results? So far, he’s only clapped twice when he’s seen the word “clap” and looked at my nose when he saw the word “nose”. (He’s 14 months old). I’d love to read about what you consider “a daily lesson plan.”


Your son is so young that I bet he is learning more than he can demonstrate. I only started teaching my daughter at 23 months. I was up late at night and saw a Your Baby Can Read commercial. I bought the product and 2 weeks later she read her first word. So I did a web search about early reading and discovered this site. Now I’m hooked on early education and wish I had started even sooner. Anyway since she is 25 months old, she is able to express what she has learned. I bet once your son reaches my daughter’s age he will be much more advanced. Just keep it up, I bet it will pay off. Are you using the YBCR program? I notice that the 2 words you mentioned are in the starter video. Having a ready made program like YBCR takes all of the guess work out of it. Anyway my loose lesson plan is continually evolving - like I just added Doman Math Dots last week. But this is what I “try” to do daily:

  1. a YBCR video (it’s 20 minutes long) first thing in the morning before or during breakfast.
  2. Reading - flashcards on Little Reader - YBCR (vol 1) + others - between 20 to 50 words -takes a 1 or 2 minutes
  3. Doman Math Dots on Little Reader - 1 to 10 (takes 10 seconds) - she hates it but it’s done so quick that she can’t complain
  4. YBCR books - starter and volume 1.
  5. A YBCR video again in the evening - lately my daughter refuses it so then we don’t do it.

Anyway, as you can see my plans aren’t too intricate or ambitious. We only started this whole process about 8 weeks ago. The YBCR program recommends more repetition - supposed to watch the video 2x daily, play with flashcards 3x per day, and read the books twice daily. Then as of today we are supposed to start playing some word games but I haven’t read the instructions yet. I just recently started making some of my own flashcards on Little Reader because the some of the words on YBCR are too babyish. My daughter isn’t interested in words like bib, rattle, diaper, crawling, roll over, blanket, etc. So I’ve made up playlists (flashcards) with her favorite foods, and names of family members on Little Reader. My daughter is at a stubborn age, so we are doing it at a nice relaxed pace. Also there are some days where we don’t do anything at all.

Good Luck, Lori

P.S. I just figured out how to send a personal message. There is a little cartoon speech bubble under each person’s name, just click on it and you will end up in a new mail message window.

yah, i’m brillbaby addict too :smiley:

Yes im addicted. lol

I think I’m addicted too, this website amazing I’ve learned a lot.

I am been addicted too!! Every time online will directly enter this website until my little wake up (i only able to online during my little boy has his nap…hehehhe)

i am so addicted. i think some times i dreamed about this forum when i go to bed at nights.

Definetly addicted. Since my job doesn’t call out for all my attention I am always browsing the website to try and find new things to try with my seven month old.

Yes I am addicted…But its been a while since I last visited the forum…But anyway I am back… :biggrin:

its really addictive since it brings alot of good info and tips plus so many things to pick up to teach our children. as much as i want to stay for hours in browsing this site, i just could not manage to since my son requires a lot of attention. the only time i can be on this site is when he is asleep in the night and when all my chores are done! :frowning:
however, if i find a good time to spend, i definitely spend it on this site!