Are older kids age 5 and 6 too late to learn sign language?

I have three kids ages 6, 5 and 4 mos old, and i want to teach my baby to sign. I wonder if it is too late for my older kids to learn the sign language? :blush: :biggrin:

Nope not too late. I have been watching the signing time videos with my dd (17months) and learning the signs to reinforse with her. I am 38 so if my advanced brain can learn it your younger brains can.

My son 10 also enjoys the videos and has picked up a lot of signs.

They will enjoy learning the signs and helping the baby do them.

Adults learn sign language in order to work as interpreters, so why not?

It’s funny how skewed our perspective can get gearing so much toward early intervention that a kindergarten age child seems “too old to learn.”

My 3 year old is over-the-hill, it seems.

“learning never say late” that’s what i believe…
do you know, it’s really fun time when our kid and us learn up the signing. sometimes, we can sign with each others when we want to communicate without let others know what we “talking”. It really help to close up parent with kid’s relationship.

Learning is a life long process so its never late & what ever you have mastered is just a handful there is still a sea left which you are yet to explore is a proverb in our India …

So start teaching your kids anything at any point of time …

It is definitely not too late :slight_smile: I have an 11 year old who loves watching signing time with the baby and he has learned so much in a short period of time. At times instead of talking to me he will sign :slight_smile:

Yeah, I’m in the same boat. My two-year-old seems like an ancient dinosaur to me now! :slight_smile:

It’s never too late. Two years ago, I learned about 500 signs after taking some classes that the local community offered. In kindergarten, we were taught the alphabet, and I’ve known it since I was around six. It’s definitely not too late. Do try and tell us about their progress! :slight_smile: