Arabic - need advice

Hi, dear moms and fathers!

I need your advice and help:) Arabic is one of my dream languages, I admire Arabic songs and writing. I would like to teach my 13 month old daughter Arabic. I hope it is possible if I don’t speak and read this language.
Our family language is Russian. We are currently studying English (from 8 months), Spanish (from 9 months), French (from 10 month), Chinese (from 12 months).

I would like to teach to read in Arabic, to listen good songs and audiobooks, to watch some positive cartoons.

I started to donwload some Arabic files from LR library - but they are without voice…Are there some other variants how you teach your babies ( I can’t read Arabic)
What video do you use ( as Little Pim or something like this)?

I would highly appreciate some links on youtube positive cartoons, audiobooks for kids ( as I can’t really choose by myself)

Thank you in advance.

Dear tatianka.
My first language is Arabic and am from Saudi Arabia.
Unfortunately there is very limited good arabic resources for kids.
For now I tried Arabic little Pim but I dont like that we dont see the arabic words written.
I just recently found Arabian sinbad and I think its well done
I just tried the vocabulary DVD and it really good with arabic subtitle.
This is another website that have good educational arabic DVD for kids but I dont think it is suitable for beginner but u can check the previews to decide.
maybe u can also try . i did check the french pod only and i like it.
let me know what do u think about this sites

Ru’a Thank you very much for your help!

I’ve looked these links - as to Sinbad - I wish the Arabic words were huge as in LR :slight_smile: The same i wish in Little Pim :slight_smile:

Are there any audio books for kids in Arabic? I didn’t manage to find…
The same question about nursery ryhmes in Arabic?

Does any mom know these DVD’s, CD’s and books?

Any comments? :wub:

I forgot to mention Siraj site for u.
I do have the song CDs and we like it. But I wont recommend it for u cuz it is not in Traditional formal Fusha arabic. It is in a different Jordan accent. I would suggest to start with formal arabic first. I am using them bec we live in a total arabic environment with mixed Arabic people with different accent.
I ordered The Arabic Baby Einstein DVD andthey r on the way. I think u can start with those as it is mostly formal arabic with Jordanian accent song as i can see from the preview.
Regarding Tareq wa Sherien DVDS they are in Fusha only and they look good. i think its also a good start .
hope this helps

Dear Tatianka

I admire you love for learning languages. I am an Arabic speaker myself. I always look for good Arabic language learning materials for my 2 and half year old daughter. I have tried Arabian Sinabd which was mentioned by Ruamulla. It’s one of the best packages i found in the market. I bought the package from Arabic bookshop in London. It’s a great tool. My daughter loved the videos and started repeating words and small phrases immediately. The beatuy about Sinbad is the style of learning the product offers, it is simple, entertaining and mind engaging for kids. My daughter has learnt about 90 words from Arabian Sinbad, i am really happy with that. I think you should try it. Have a read about the product on their website: . it explains what the product does to teach your child Arabic.

Check out some Arabian Sinbad videos on YouTube:

Good luck with the Arabic language learnign journy for your child. It’s a beatiful language.

found this website and i am expecting more kids arabic product in the future??

Thank you very much for your support! as we don’t have enogh money to buy these DVDs, can I ask you- Arabic speaking parents about help?

As I don’t speak Arabic at all, and only start learning how to read - I need help in translation. I would like to start with some regular moments in our life - for example we start with learning parts of the body , and I need these phrases (in arabic and how to read:)

Lets read in Arabic
you know so many words!
lets draw a picture of… ( face, eye etc)
Let’s watch something interesting!
do you like it?

Let’s eat in Arabic!
let’s go eat something (it’s time to eat)

let’s wash your hands

try it yourself

you’re doing well!

spoon (teaspoon, tablespoon)


hold the spoon yourself

Come here, I’ll put your bib on

I’ll tie your bib for you

here is your plate

don’t throw the food

it’s hot, let me blow on it

look what we have there

it’s your favourite porridge

eat one more spoonful

It’s tasty! (What a tasty porridge)

  • delicious, yummy

eat for mommy (daddy, sister, brother, dog, cat…) - (to use new words)

open your mouth, the plane will fly in there

eat some more and soon you will be big and strong

look, your mommy is eating too

It’s very good for little kids

your dolly has eaten one spoon, it’s your turn now

Don’t you want some more?

say thank you , and bring your plate - we will wash it

wash your face and hands

now use the towel to dry them

good! good girl!

and now we will have a dessert!

well done!

my sweetheart!

I sure can make use of that list tatianka is asking for too…

Anybody please?

Ayesha Nicole is one helper I have found when it comes to arabic sources,

Hi there. Have you looked through the resources in the sub-forum?:’rby/

Ayesha Nicole, I looked through that forum before and now, and I didn;t found anything what could hepl me to prepare for entime Let’s eat in Arabic…as I need practical phrases - may be you can post a direct link…

But this translation I think would be usefull for many beginners…
I really hope for your help :rolleyes:

If somebody needs- I can help with the same in Russian.

Hmmm. Does your husband speak Arabic? Because it is not simple as “translating” text. Arabic is far more complex than English and each spoken/written sentence must match in: 1. Gender; 2. Number; 3. Tense; 4. Definite/Indefiniteness. So, there are many variations of each “sentence” according to who is being addressed.

Also, spoken Arabic, varies from region to region, as well as vocabulary and pronunciation, and is less formal in grammatical rules than written Arabic (MSA). And if you mispronounce a letter or even change the timing of a short or long vowel, it changes the meaning of the words. Also, for written Arabic, most books are printed without diacritical marks and you would have to hear the pronunciation to know how to pronounce the words and ensure grammatical correctness.

Did you try the Little Pim series? It has a segment about eating.

Or you could purchase something like this, although it is Islamically based materials:

Otherwise, I believe the sub-forum resources will be the most useful for you. Did you go through each and every post on the 8 pages of the sub-forum? Because while there are some Islamic based resources, there are many non-religious resources as well.

Also, BrillKids is working on translating the English curriculuum into other languages, including Arabic, although the release date is unknown at this point.

Hello everybody, Salam Sisters,

I volunteer! As Ayesha said, it is very sensitive to mispronounce words in Arabic. So Tatianka, what about talking on the phone or on Skype? I can help you with the right pronunciation in formal Arabic.

Concerning the available resources, I wish Little Pim could come with an Arabic text, otherwise, I don’t think it is a good start for babies to learn a new language that way… maybe it can help older ones… Imagine you study Chinese only in Pinyin, or Russian with the Latin alphabet… Plus, in this video, there is a mistranslated word: bamboo: it’s “khayzouran” خيزران. there is also a grammar mistake: ma aladhoh: it should be ma aladhah, etc. I am sure there are still other mistakes in the DVD’s as I just watched a preview. I hope they can review them and release a new version.The pronunciation is perfect, though.

Anyway. Few months ago, I wanted to translate LR lessons and post them in Arabic. Currently, I have the files without pronunciation (it’s easier for me just to say the word and interact more with my baby, plus we moved to another country so I was really busy). But I will in sha’Allah finish my homework :slight_smile: and post them ASAP. I hope they will help… Otherwise, we’re still waiting for KL to release the Arabic curriculum :smiley:

Please Tatianka don’t hesitate to PM me so we can arrange a phone call.