Anyone with problems posting on Parent web?

I am tryng to post but have an error. Even the recent threads are not seen. I am the only one? is it my computer.?

It seems I could post my topic but nevertheless it is diffuclut to see the recent threads in order to give some input or response.

I have another problem and don´t know how to solve it. I enter the forum using directly this address:

However when I post here it counts as a post at brillkids :confused:

I´ve been testing all the possibilities but without result. Any idea?

Looks like I have the same problem. I already posted twice here (this is my third most), but it was still showing 0 for me. And I saw some other posters with 0 posts.

saunier, yes i saw your thread about your posts not counting on parent web but on brillkids. Make sure you go to parent web before posting or starting a new thread. Beside not being able to see the recent threads you can search for a word of a thread you see on brillkids and then follow it and post on parents web to keep your postins. I read the discount will be offer to those that have posts on both forums.
Good luck.

Oooohps¡¡¡¡ :blink:
It happende to me too. I post a new topic on parent web but not only did not get the post count but could not see the post at all. I think we have to continue only with brillkids.

Hi everyone! :slight_smile:

We’re very sorry for the error message in the ParentWeb Forums - we are currently fixing this problem, and it is just taking a while.

The good news is, the message posting and thread creation functions are now working properly - the only thing which isn’t working is the post count reflection on your forum profile for ParentWeb.

But not to worry - our forum engine is still counting your posts in ParentWeb, it’s just not reflecting properly. So if you have posted or if you are going to post in ParentWeb, your profile will be updated to the correct number of posts you have made once we finish fixing the problem.

Thank you all for your patience and continued support! :happy:

Thanks Lappy, we will keep posting in both. It is very usefull to here others comments or experience on things we are interested.
thanks a lot.