Anyone use Little Reader on an 11-week old, or only flashcards?

Hi, my baby is 11 weeks old, and I was wondering if it is easier to use flashcards than Little Reader for her young age? Any suggestions? :smiley:

I wouldn’t use anything except infant stimulation cards until the baby is about 3 months old.

Unless she has really good eyes, I don’t think she would be able to see the computer screen. She would rather see your face, etc. If I had to pick, I would use the flashcard though.

my son at that age was only on infant stimulation cards and i was reading stories to him

Yes, I think 11 weeks is too young to put in front of the computer. Even if you do, I don’t think she will look at it as she would not be able to focus her vision at this age. Flashcards are better and safer (in terms of avoiding glare and bright light).