Anyone tried Little Musician?

I’m wondering if anyone has tried LMs with their child with special needs? My son is 5 with Down syndrome. We are almost finished with semester 1 of LR and he’s doing really well with it. He is still largely non-verbal though, much less have I heard anything resembling singing coming from him, but he loves listening to music. I’d love to hear experiences from anyone who’s tried using it.

My 2.75 year old son is high functioning autistic. And he has no interest in music. I can’t teach him any songs or rhymes. And he doesn’t like listening to music and he surely does not dance. But he does enjoy little musician. He loves to yell out the Solfege sounds.

We have only done the trial but my 5 yo with DS loves it & was
Very obviously learning from it. Very quickly she learned to raise or lower her notes to match what she was hearing.

Thanks. We just finished the trial too, and my son really enjoys it. He can’t sing the notes at all (Do and So give us a good opportunity to practice a long O sound though!), but he sits happily through it while I sing, and especially loves the clapping part. I want to teach him piano some day, so I think this will give us a good start. I’m teaching my daughter too, and but she’s too creative to just want to play the notes on the page, so I think the Hear & Sing part will give her a good ear for playing by ear and making up her own pieces once her skills get a bit higher.

My lo is 2 and we are just finishing up with the Little Musician trial and she loves it. She signs “fish” when they say Solfege because it sounds like the word fish to her. She also loves to pretend to conduct during the Popular Songs.

She seems to really like music.

My 12 months old son loves the Little Musicians too!! He would sit quietly through out the lesson and loves the clap along part. He usually cry when the session is done. He love music so I am planning to buy the Little Musician once I am done with the trial.

I tried it with my son 2 weeks ago. He seemed enjoy it but after 1 lesson he focus on keyboard and mouse more than the screen. Wish we can play on IPAD, I believe it will be easier for him.