Anyone teaching child French but not speak it?

I was looking into purchasing the set and was told that you have the option to choose which language you want to hear…

1 cd - rom contain 5 languages.

I am interested in Little Pim, but buying from Australia is very expensive with the exchange rate so pitiful as it is at the moment. Do you have an Australian supplier? And let me know when the discount coupon takes effect… I dont speak french but want bub to learn french, particularly as I think it’s the easiest language to learn (I did learn some french growing up, but arent fluent by a long shot).

I found your coupon code, in this post, but wonder why you dont put it in the forum shop??? You’d have more exposure, and people would find it easily… some people may not read this thread at all.

JPL–Are your father’s adult language CDs appropriate for a child to listen to? I am interested in Little Pim, but I would also like my son to listen to language CDs while he’s coloring or playing. Is there anything else you recommend, maybe a Spanish CD with just Spanish dialect?

Wow! I didn’t know that there was a little Pim. This is ironic because I’m listening to the Modern Greek Pimsleur CDs currently on my 30 minute commute! I’m going to have to check more into these programs.

I love his method so far because the speaker will go step-by-step to how a word is pronounced. I love the repetition. It helps solidify the language. Awesome! :slight_smile:

I have been wanting to learn a second language for years but havent had the time to go to classes as such. Does listening to language CDs really help u to learn? I would really like my baby to learn another language too.

I was also not aware of Little Pim, but plan on getting it next month. We’ve been using Language Lyrics (Spanish)- Recommended from YBCR, we have also been playing the same Spanish Music in the car since my baby was little. We need new things to listen to. lol. Neither my husband or I speak Spanish so we’re just trying to expose him to the language now and are hoping to be able to afford to put him into a Spanish Immersion preschool. (Sorry, I am aware this is a French language thread, but figured it’s the same idea…) My husband speaks Czech, but figured Spanish would be a more useful language to know in the Western States :slight_smile: