Anyone teaching child French but not speak it?

I’m going to check out Muzzy and Little Pim. I’m also going to play a French CD for her as she is falling asleep.

I just checked out Muzzy and it does not compare to what we have here. The French vocabulary on this site takes your child to a Level II in foreign language. For the price of LR you have access to numerous foreign languages compared to hundreds or even thousand for others. Muzzy pictures are poor compared to the ones for LR.

I haven’t looked at Little PIM but I wouldn’t waste my money on Muzzy. I do have the foreign language from YBCR, and it seems ok. It is reasonably prices at only $19.95. Would probably be a good compliment to the free vocabulary here.

If you have any DVDs they have a french language option, or there are songs and material on the internet to augment the vocabulary here for free.

Hello Evreyone, Hello LLucy, Thanks for your advice.

Question for you: in regards the sleep learning, I read in one of the Schichida books that the time for learning was the first 30 minutes after falling sleep and specially the first 5 minutes ( I am not a Schichida parent, I read it in one of his books) I have been trying to get more information about sleep learning but Idont seem to find relevant information anywhere; If you have could you pls let me know either what the theory in sleep learning is or guide me to a website (I already google it but didnt find clear info) - is this sleep learning proper for any age? for how long should we hear the materials ? all night ? what is your rutine?

Thanks a million for your input. Much appreciated.


Hi Gloria,

I first read about sleep learning on this board a few days ago. Click on this link to read the thread:

I also asked the same question you did last night on a different brill kids board and maybe someone will reply. Here is the link:


I am using Lyric Language which I ordered with my YBCR. I think it is the same quality as YBCR. It is a dvd with 21 chapters it teaches all through song. They learn over 250 words and phrases. It is Bilingual so they learn English at the same time. It also comes with a CD with the songs and a workbook with stickers for when they are older. This can be purchased on Amazon for 13.97

topics: At the zoo
At the beach
At the supermarket
Happy Birthday
The Rain
The Seasons
The days of the week
The night
The alphabet
I wish I could fly
Jump rope (counting)
The opposites song
A picnic
A walk in the forest
I like to read
The Spider
I have five senses
There is a river
The Clown (circus)
Clap your hands

As you can see you get a lot for your 13.97.
They come in Spanish and German also not sure if there are other languages.

Thank you Patreiche! I’m going to order it. I think my baby learns so much English from hearing and dancing to songs. So I’m sure it’s going to be very effective in teaching French.

I believe they have it in Japanese and Italian as well. They also have some listed on ebay. Has anyone here had any experience with Teach Me French?

I just bought Little Pim in French on their website. I should be here in a couple of days so I’ll let you know what I think when get it.

I’m excited!

I am the founder of Little Pim – so I thought I’d chime in! It’s great to see so many parents seeking foreign language learning options for their young kids. I am the daughter of Dr. Paul Pimsleur and grew up fluent in French - one of the best gifts my parents ever gave me. I created Little Pim when my first son (now four) was born and I wanted to expose him to French from the earliest age. I had bought Muzzy but I didn’t think it was appropriate for very young kids (the green monster, the guns, the complicated story line, the old-school animation). It seems designed more for 5+. I used my background as a filmmaker and as a teacher - and having grown up with my father’s proven teaching method - to create the first foreign language series designed specifically for babies, toddlers and preschoolers. Little Pim is taught by an adorable animated panda bear, named “Little Pim” and combines animation with real kids doing everyday activities. The DVDs are divided up into 5 minute episodes for babies and toddlers’ short attention spans, and have vocab recaps for parents at the end of each episode. I am thrilled that we have won ten consumer awards, but I am even more pleased that so many parents write me to say their child “loves the panda” and can’t wait to watch him! Our method is entertainment immersion. I know as a mom that if my kids aren’t having fun, they aren’t going to learn. So Little Pim is as fun as it is educational. Check out samples of any of our seven languages on our site at and feel free to write me with language teaching questions. You can also read my blog about keeping foreign language teaching fun at And if you want to order Little Pim, here is a 10% off coupon code!
Testimonials and Reviews are at

Dear JPimsleurLevine,

Welcome! We are honored to have you here! I am eagerly awaiting the Arabic version of LittlePim and hope that you are using Modern Standard Arabic in the translation, or will it be in a regional dialect? My girls will enjoy it either way.

Please do share some of your father’s teaching methods with us, because we are interested in language acquisition for children and adults!

Ayesha :slight_smile:

Welcome JPimsleurLevine and thanks for the discount. I am sure a lot of moms will use it! :slight_smile: Hope you find useful info for your little ones on this site :wink:

Hi again JPimsleur,

I just wondered if you had any thoughts on the most recent thread on this board about softly playing a foreign language CD as baby is falling asleep. Supposedly they retain a lot of the language when hearing it in a such a relaxed state. Have you heard of this? I think it’s called sleep talking or sleep teaching. Here is the link to the thread:

Here is another link to a much more in depth conversation about it that was had on this website (they quote some studies):


Thanks for the welcomes…
This seems like a great, smart community of informed moms, and i am proud to be in here among you!
As for the CD playing – my son has fallen asleep to French music for years, but I do not know enough about the science to comment on its effects on learning. I did, however, send the post about it to my scientific advisor (the very brilliant Dr. April Benasich, Director of the Infancy Studies Lab at Rutgers) and will let you know what she says when she gets back to me.
I always say ‘more is more’ when it comes to foreign language exposure, so the nighttime lessons can only be good.
Arabic is one of our next slated languages, by the way!
take care and enjoy your little ones. Vos petits, that is.

Hello JPimsleurLevine, Glad to have you here!!!

Thanks a million for offering to do some research on our behalf - it is much appreciated - I will then have the honor of giving you… your first Karma!!! for the good intentions !! lol

More to come I am sure.

Thanks for your generosity with your time ! much appreciated.


ps: I am using currently the Pimsleur Chinese Mandarin at night time for my daughter I just started 3 days ago - so as you can imagine I am extremely interested in hearing from your scientific advisor.

Hi JPimsleurLevine,
Are there any plans to expand the series beyond the 3 DVDs currently available? They look like a fantastic starting point to introduce a second language for your baby/child. I am looking forward to using the Chinese version for my baby when he/she is born.

It’s so great to read about other parents who are teaching their kids foreign languages! I have been teaching my son French since he was about 6 months old - he is now four and speaks quite well. He was my inspiration for creating the Little Pim DVD series ( I tried Muzzy but found it was better suited to older kids (5+) than young ones. Now I have a 13-month old who is learning French with Little Pim and we are having a lot of fun exploring French words together. Yesterday I took an apple, banana and strawberry and put them on the table and we were picking the right one when i said “Fraise”, “Banane” or “Pomme” - he got it! Well, with a little help from his big brother.
My father, Dr. Paul Pimsleur, created his method for adults using the principles of total immersion, positive reinforcement and “graduated interval recall” (bringing back vocab words repeatedly, at just the right intervals, before you forget them). I used some of these same principles in creating the Little Pim series, which is total immersion and has a lot of repetition and positive reinforcement. Plus it’s super fun for young children.
Whatever you decide to do for foreign language exposure, I always recommend you try to be consistent. If you are going to play French or Spanish music, try to put it on a few times a week. Or show your kids language DVDs at a certain time each day or several times a week. Good luck and let me know if i can answer any questions about language teaching to young children.

Wow it so wonderful to hear from the creator of LittlePIM. I am thinking of purchasing it. Any chance you can talk to KL and offer us a discount? :happy: I just read the post about the discount and gave you Karma.

Watch this space… :slight_smile:

Hi Gloria
Wanted to know since your purchased the DOMAN Picture dictionaries, do you have option to choose between lanugages or do have buy seperate DVDs for a different lanugage