Anyone still doing POI?

I just started this week working on POI. Is anyone else out there?

I just started as well… I still have a lot of work to do… but started for sure

what is POI?


POI is the next level of BOI… BOI meaning Bits of Intelligence and POI meaning (I think thats what I read the acronym stood for) Portions of Intelligence… There is an entire thread i read a while back regarding this and there were entire discussions about it. I think it was one of the mom’s who explained how it works.
The Doman system I believe teaches this.

Its got to do with releasing bits of information regarding the subject step by step… so for instance…
For the first week we would say DOG and reveal 1 bit of information regarding Dogs - Dogs have 4 legs
Next week, we add to that saying Dogs have 4 legs, a tail and 2 ears or something like that
then, we add - Dogs have 4 legs, a tail, 2 ears and a tongue. When a dog feels hot, he pants with his tongue out to feel cooler
Then the next week, we add, … Dogs bark and live in kennels
The next week, add, the young one of a dog is called a puppy
The next week add, a dog can give birth to many puppies at a time…

something like that… I had better copy the link in for better information

Wow! Our kids are almost the same age. We have started artists and composers POI. She is learning, but it is a lot of work for me.

Check out this thread:

@ Indidee
Is it not something like this: introduce the first magnitude for 5sets of cards three times a day(for 5 days),then continue the first magnitude with the next 5 categories(for the next 5 days) .
This is the first program. Continue doing the first program for as many cards as you wish.
Then introduce the second magnitude with the same schedule (as said above). It goes on like this right???
