anyone starting at 18months? Is there hope???

Hi all!

I used to be a regular on brillkids and I had started my baby on little reader when she was about 6-7months, unfortunately, I went back to work and the lessons became less and less frequent till they we stopped. I never really tested her back then so I’m not sure how much she learnt. she’s now 18months and I feel really bad wasting all this precious time and I can’t help but wonder what she could have learnt if we had been consistent.

I was wondering if there’re other late starters like us, I’d really be encouraged if I could hear success stories about people starting this late and their babies were still able to learn somethings. I really don’t know where to start anymore, but I guess if I knew it’s possible, I’d be more motivated to try harder.

Thanks a lot.

Hi Zoe,

I know what you’re thinking. I’ve often felt the same about it maybe being too late. I’m looking forward to seeing who all responds to this thread and I hope that there are many.

I started with my son at 13 months…only 5 months earlier than where you are now. I know I likely would be seeing different results had I started earlier (but I didn’t know about it before then). However, I’d like to encourage you by the whole oak story that I’m sure you’ve heard before…The best time to plant an oak was 100 years ago, the second best time is today.

Go “plant your oak” and do the best that you can…and remember that “your best” may not look like my best or any other BrillKids member’s best…your best can only be YOUR best. Do that and you’ll be fine and your daughter will have experiences that she wouldn’t have if you just shelve the whole idea. Do what you can and accept that it is okay not to loose your sleep (or mind) over it.

well, I can’t say that my son learned to “read” when he was a baby, but he is reading at 3, and we started about the same time as you are. I was not very consistent either, and only did it when he wanted to. sometime last year, we started doing more phonics, and he’s now sounding out words and reading very simple books (like the beginner Bob books). He could probably be further along if we had started earlier and were really consistent, but sometimes I just have to take a step back and says “hey, he’s 3 and he’s READING,” and he enjoys it. Reading is a great gift we can give to our children, and it’s so exciting when they receive it with joy. I would say definitely not to stress, but too enjoy the time you can spend now with your daughter and remember that she is already getting more than a lot of kids her age get–a mom who cares about her and her education. She’s going to be fine! keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Hi Zoe,
I started LR with my daughter when she was 8 months old.We still haven’t finished with lessons because I had given her some pauses from learnig.It happened not to show her lessons for a month or so because she lose an interest or she is ill.But that is not a problem because when we start again she is more interesed in what we are doing.It doesn’t metter how long did you paused you can start again anytime.It’s better to do somethimg for your child then not doing anything.Also that pause is good for you too.You must be calm and joyful when you have lessons because of the feeling that your chilld will conect with learning.If you are stressed or sad do not make lesson.So do what you think is wight for your child and have fun.

Hi zoe,
I completely understand your question and your feelings. I did not know anything about early child education until my son Michael was 13 months old. After doing some research in this field, I started to create powerpoint flash cards to teach him both Chinese and English. (BTW, I am a native Chinese speaker. ) Right now, besides flash cards, I am using the trial version of LR. I also borrowed Baby Signing time from the local library. Michael loves the Baby Signing time. For LR, at first, he can’t sit still, but gradually, he can sit a little big long and enjoys the pictures.

Michael will be 18 months next week. He can understand most Chinese I speak to him on a daily basis. He can say about 40 Chinese words and read 6 Chinese Characters(I know because whenever he sees the characters, he can pronouce and point to the correct objects). As for English, he can understand and read about 20 to 30 English words. I know many kids in this forum can do much better at this age. However, what I care most is the wonderful time he and me spend together to learn and to play. It is full of laugh and fun.

Honestly, I do not regret I did not start early because I have always been loving, caring, and talking, singing, and playing with him ever since his birth. The love is the best thing to nurture his mind and body. I remember when I read Glen Doman’s books, I was impressed by he says that even if a parent does not prepare to do anything after reading his books, it is usually 99% enough if the parent keeps loving his/her child dearly.

So, do not worry. Nothing is never too late. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot guys! You really cheered me up! I just kind of wonder how much more she could have done, but I don’t think beatng myslef up for it will do any good. I see the eefects of what we did, she has a very large vocabulary, she says so many words, and can make two word sentences eg, baby sleeping, water please, go garden etc. she knows and sings loads of songs, she LOVES baby signing time, and can do quite a number of signs as well. I’m really proud of her for these acheievements and I know its a s a result of the earlier stimulation, which is why I keep wishing I had continued, but like you all have kindly advised, I’ll just start from now, The important thing is that she’;s a happy little girl, that’s secure in the fact that she has parents that love her dearly.

Thanks once again.