Anyone know about the new Shichida 63 Day Math Program?

I have heard that Shichida has modified the 65 day program into a new and improved 63 day program. There are apparently major differences between the two programs but I don’t know the details. It was said that they did this because the 65 day program was too tough for young learners. Do anyone have any insights?

BTW… I have the recorded full details of the old Shichida’s 65 day Math program (as per the parent’s manual) here:

Wow! Thanks for sharing that link!! You’ve done a great job!
What age is this good for? The youngest to the oldest?
Thank you so much!!!

Thanks ShenLi,

This is great! :slight_smile:

Hi ShenLi

I just checked your website. It is great. Thank you for the link. Do you know if anybody has the Shichida program online or in a CD or something. I don’t think I can do it manually. Is Schichida also 3 times a day? I read it somewhere but forgot.

Thanks for the link.

Waterdreamer - I haven’t really seen any recommendations for what age to do the Math program but they say that dot cards are great for children up to 3 years old. When they get older than this, it is harder for them to learn, but not impossible. In Heguru, they still do dot cards for children over 3 years old. I am doing the program with both kids - 9 months old and 3.5 years old - only started recently.

Heath - I have not heard of the Shichida program being available online or in a CD. Much of the activities are puzzles and games so it wouldn’t work on a DVD. The schools run classes for kids once a week but parents are encouraged to do regular home practice with their children. I have not seen any recommendation for how often, though. At Heguru, they say to follow your child’s lead. If he is open, you can continue, if he doesn’t want to do it, don’t force.

Hi ShenLi! I plan to use your outline with my daycare babies. I just have a question, when presenting the numbers 1-10, then 6-15 and so on, are you showing them in order or mixed up.
Thank you again for sharing!!!

The Shichida handbook I’m following says it should be done in order.

ThNk you, I’ll do just that then.

Thanks Shen Li! This info is very useful!