Anyone heard of "Miracles of Child Development" by Robert Doman?

I’ve been offered a set of tapes entitled “Guide to Child development and Education: Miracles of child development” by Robert Doman

Are they any good?

I’ve been offered the set of tapes!!! (not CD’s) so hope they are not too outdated???I don’t want to waste money on material I already know (e.g,. Glen Doman’s material re-written)

I didn’t even know a Robert Doman existed–Glenn Doman’s son, I wonder?

Do they promote anything like GD’s methods? I can’t tell from the website.

I am as perplexed as you DadDude!!! After reading a bit, it seems like similar philosophies as Glen Doman - assisting brain injured children, with the exception of this series of CD’s which I mentioned which are for unaffected children.

hmmmm… the search continues.

He’s a brother and claims to have no association with IAHP. He seems to have a very similar philosophy and I believe it was him who wrote the “How to teach your child to swim” book.

I attended the Doman course this year and spoke to Douglas Doman in person. He has a sister called Jane as we all know and an older brother who is a judge - NOT called Robert and not at all in the family business.

This guy must be unrelated to the family - or at least the close family.


No, that book was written by Douglas Doman. He has one older brother whose name isn´t Robert and who is a judge.

Sorry: I am missing a “t”. Douglas´s sister - Glenn’s daughter - is called Janet

You are absolutely correct! My error, I thought he was the brother but you are right, that is Douglas. Hmm, who is this Robert guy then??

And the answer is…a nephew.

“The NACD is run by Robert Doman, the nephew of Glenn Doman, although both institutions state that there is no association between the two.”

I don’t necessarily agree with the source, but here is what a quick google search brought up…

I read most of that article. “Patterning” was defined in a way that did not apply to Doman’s baby reading method. So if I’m not mistaken, the therapeutic community’s rejection of the Doman-Delcato method does not constitute an evaluation of the baby reading method at all.

Just thought I’d point that out…

I agree, they are two separate animals. I just don’t particularly like the source in general, I have seen a few people/organizations/methods over the years show up on quack watch just because they are outside of mainstream western beliefs.

Thanks everyone, I think I am going to give the tapes a skip