Anyone having more luck flashing slower instead of faster?

Generally I flash quickly, like maybe a 1/2 second a word. But sometimes when I flash slower and glide my finger under the word on the flash card, my baby will look more intensely at the word and hang in there for more flashcards. Is it possible that she is absorbing more, when I take more time with each card?

What do you think about flashing fast vs. slow?

When it comes to reading, I run my finger under the words. When it comes to other flash cards, I flash fast. You can do both, if you want. Like show a set one way, then the next time you show it, show it the other way.

i have just run into this one. i’ve been an efficient flasher. with topics that dd doesn’t seem so excited about it does still help (even if she’s not paying 100% attention i feel like her hearing the word helps too). but recently with LR i’ve found that once she’s been through a topic (at a flashing speed) to the point that she can repeat the words she likes it slowed down so that she actually can keep up with and repeat all the words. i’m not sure if that is part of the rules or what but instinctually i know it’s right for her. she mimics sounds so well and i think she enjoys trying the word on for size.

Yes, I do flash fast and the on other occasions I go slower and run my finger under the word and sound it out more. I think she like that so I definitely do both. I just don’t which is more effective at helping her memorize the words.

I also do both depending usually on her interest levels. We also stick words up in the house - words that she has already seen by flashing - to make sentences and so she has plenty of time to see these as slowly as she likes. While flashing fast is meant to stimulate the right brain to memorise the words, in the end reading does become a left brained process (maybe not for total speed readers, I’m not sure about that) but you actually would like both sides of the brain involved anyway.

I actually do a combination of fast and slow, mine depends upon if I have added a photo or just the word. If I have a really good photo then I allow time for him to see the photo.