Anyone got a flu shot while pregnant? worring about swine flu shot

Did anyone get a flu shot while pregnant? Do you know anybody who got a shot, but seems like no bad effect?

I don’t want to scare you guys who are pregnant already. But I read a article that Britain and Swiss government are advising against becoming pregnant when we can avoid it because of swine flu.

It seems like pregnant women who were in 2nd or 3rd trimester suffered and died from swine flu more than other population and government is considering pregnant women as priority for baccination.

I didn’t know, but I read it somewhere that regular flu shot is advised for a pregnant woman because bad flu can get really harmful to fetus. But only about 16%of pregnant women (if I remember correctly) get flu shot because they worry that flu shot is going to impact negatively to their fetus. Article says it seems there is no strong evidence that flu shot is harmful to fetus.

I wish that I could find that article. When I do, I’ll post it here.

I am planning to pregnant because I feel that I am really ready, but this all scares me. So we are planning to wait until this winter to see how swine flu develops. I didn’t know that around 300 people died already in U.S. Last time that I read about swine flu, it was about 10 people died here. :frowning:

I think you can find good reliable information on Dr Mercola website, here is just one link
but you can also search on the statistics and flu and pregnancy. In short, I would suggest what many midwives suggest, – try to avoid risk, do natural immune boosting, there are many natural ways to boost your immune system which are much more effective, and be very careful with flu shots, they are not as effective as some doctors claim, but they can cause harm to you or baby… Just do your research and use common sense…

A woman in Australia last week or so lost her baby at 36 weeks gestation due to contracting swine flu, and Aussie pregnant mums are advised now to avoid social settings and to wear a mask around…though I dont see anyone wearing masks and I’m glad my bub was born ok. If a flu shot is advised even during pregnancy you’d have to research what negative effects the shot can have on a foetus as compared to you as a mum getting swine flu and possibly losing a baby that way. I think I’d avoid getting pregnant just a bit longer…wait til the swine flu injections come out (they’re trialling them now in australia to see if a single or double dose is necessary), then get that shot, then wait any advised time before getting pregnant. I’d hate to go through losing a baby in utero. Mind you, it’s no picnic once they’re born…they are still vulnerable to swine flu and have low immunity.

Thank you so much for all of your comment.

It is good to know what is going on in Australia.

I think I will wait to get swine flu shot before becoming pregnant. I am glad that your baby was born o.k. Nikita.

Especially best wishes for all pregnant ladies and new moms out there. I know how vulnerable we all could be.

Thanks again,


PLEASE do your research on the swine flu vaccine before receiving it. While the swine flu is real, some of the news reports you hear blow it out of proportion. The swine flu is actually usually less severe than the typical flu. The latest that I read is that it is more likely spread by direct contact than airborne exposure (compared to the typical flu); therefore, if you do not have a child who is in daycare (and sharing chewed-on toys, etc), or otherwise have close contact with a lot of people, your chances of getting it are pretty low. Also, the problem with the swine flu vaccine is that it is being produced in a hurry, and therefore, besides not being tested the way other vaccines usually are, includes ingredients that make the body have a stronger immune reaction than it would otherwise (so that the vaccine can be diluted to produce more doses, and still produce immunity). These ingredients are foreign to the body, and can have certain adverse effects in certain people.

We are following an alternate vaccination schedule with our son due to concerns over vaccine efficacy and safety, and so have done tons of reading on the subject.

Swine flu vaccination contains mercury in the form of thimerosol. This form of mercury is very oil soluble, which makes it concentrate in fat organs such as the brain, which is 60% fat. It would cross the placenta very easily because of oil solubility. If thimerosol would contribute to autism in 2-year-olds, its effect in fetuses could be greater.

Taking Vitamin D3 may be a much safer and more effective way to prevent swine flu.

Paddy Jim Baggot MD

It’s nice to hear a MD say something negative about the vaccine.

Yes, indeed. :smiley: However there are a number of prominent MDs who are aware of dangers and talk about it to protect their clients, it is great.

Here is an article I mentioned yesterday, which gives an interesting insight on that,