Anyone gone to a seminar at IAHP?

Has anyone gone to the seminar on brain-injured children at IAHP? Our daughter is diagnosed with T21 and I have become fascinated with the IAHP/Glenn Doman books and information. The seminar sounds great - I’m just wondering if it is a good next step after reading the books, if it is a necessary part of our learning, or if there is other information that is equally useful (without the complications of travel)?

I am also wondering if the Brain-Injured Child seminar is the right one for us. Our daughter is classified in this system as brain-injured, but she is doing so well that I wonder if we should go to the seminar for parents of “typically” developing children.

Any feedback, stories of your experience, etc., would be appreciated! :slight_smile:

I have not, but I am doing a neurodevelopmental program with ICAN which is similar. There is also a 3rd group called NACD who also have a similar program. these 2 programs travel to many areas, so travel is often not so far for the family. They are also less expensive.

I started with a home program using the Doman books until my dd was 3, when we started with ICAN. The results have been amazing!

I believe there is a mom on the Unlimited Potential forum who has taken the course:

My husband went, I could go as I was expecting our second child within the week of the course. Were you thinking of doing the IAHP programs?

I have been to the What to do course along with lecture series 2, and 3. The courses are great but the natural thing you may want to do is get onto their Intensive Treatment Program. If you have contacted them to inquire about the course, they would have sent you a booklet about the different program options. The courses give lots of helpful tips, but they design the program for children and parents on the intensive treatment program. Our daughter has overall developmental delay with a chromosomal/genetic disease Williams Syndrome. IAHP has a broad defenition of brain-injured, as I’m sure you learned, and their methods are fitting to everyone - even well children. I do know that similar things are taught in both classes for brain-injured children and for well babies, but if you’ve noticed any specific road blocks your child can’t seem to overcome - they have the answer and will prefer you attend the What to do course. I know that the Multiply your baby’s intellegence course assumes your child will go through the natural developmental on their own without special treatments, but that the things you learn to do from the course can help your child develop skills faster. There are also focuses on teaching music, gymnastics, swimming, etc that are in the Multiply your babies intelligence course and not in the What to do course although may be elsewhere in the lecture series program. Many of the programs I have found to be very beneficial to helping my daughter achieve developmental skills I learned in the What to do course and the subsequent lecture series and would not have been taught to parents of well children because these skills come so easily to those children. The registrars at the institutes would help you decide what is best for you but I bet they would want you put into the What to do course. Visiting their book store alone is worth the travel to get there in my opinion - It is awesome.