in response to your question about teaching music Sapna
first off i don’t play a instrument
nor have i had any formal music training
so don’t let that intimidate you from having a great time teaching you son
in glenn doman’s book how to give your baby encyclopedic knowledge
he talks about what the kids in his out program do by four years old
1 read two or more languages
2 speak two or more languages
3 play the violin well
4 do splendid gymnastics
5 do advanced math
6 write computer programs
7 swim and dive
8 know at least 4,000 bit of intelligence
these kids are taught all of these things completely by there mothers
none of the mothers knew how to play the violin, speak another language, do gymnastics or any of the other amazing things they were teach there kids
that is the wonderful thing about this program you learn with your baby
i know nothing about art or music when i started but i have learned so much just by teaching muse
back to doman
“All we do at the institutes is to give kids VISUAL, AUDITORY,and TACTILE stimulation with increased FREQUENCY, INTENSITY, and DURATION in recognition of the orderly way in which the brain grows.
thats all we do”
okay so here is what we do at our home
first i showed her all the musical instruments
this took about 2 or 3 months
at the same time we pick a composer of the week (sometimes weeks as she really loves Chopin and Mozart)
we play the cd every day
i tell her the name of the composer and show her a picture of him
after about 5 days she can recognize the music and tell me who the composer is
we play suzuki violin school 1 everyday
she really knows that music as well
we also play a lot of other music during the day
she sings along with patsy cline and her other favorites
we dance sing clap and march to the music
rhythm is so important so try to do a little claping and marching to the beat everyday
you can also use rhythm sticks or something similar to help you in this
play with drums keybords and other instruments teach that they can make different sound
and getting your child accustom to the instrument
go see music and then talk about it after
youtube is great for this as you can watch little kids playing instruments everyday
paint (a great time to play the composers) color, pour water, draw anything to develop the fine motor skills
needed to begin to play
teach perfect pitch
domanmom posted a great link about how to do that so i won’t get into it here
(i posted a download on composers and on music notes hopefully more on the way)
after all this you will need to find a music teacher but not to teach your son
but to teach yourself
suzuki recommends that the parent takes lessons for three months
bringing along the child but don’t teach them yet
this way the child sees it as a very fun thing that mom gets to do and really wants to do it to
so when the child gets his own instrument he can’t wait to play
he has been listening to the music on cd for months or years now
and play comes naturally
you go to all lessons with your child and practice with him at home everyday
that way it is a fun thing that mom and baby do together not abandoning him to some one he doesn’t know
and then make him practice on this own which leads to boredom and wanting to abandon his lessons
you need a good teacher one who is happy working with you and your young child
you’ll also need a real child size instrument
they make very small violins for two year olds to play for about $200 for a good one less for cheaper one
i don’t know about other instruments look online
you also need time and patience and lots and lots of practice
it not going to happen over night
but with a lot of love and joyousness he will learn to love music and be well on his way to playing
and you may just pick up a instrument as well
remember your the Best person to teach your son anything
have fun