Anyone do the Doman method HARDCORE daily?

Just wondering, is there is anyone out there who does the Doman flash card system they way he suggests - 25 cards shown 3x a day with 15 minute intervals between sets? (wow, I’m exhausted just writing it)

Everyday I show my 12 month old YBCR dvd plus the matching flashcards and flap books that come with it and I also am using my own Doman flash cards BUT I only do 10 Doman flash cards about 3 times a day. I just can’t possibly do the method he suggests (maybe I can, but I haven’t tried yet). But I am wondering if anyone else is able to do the hardcore doman method and how they think it’s working out?

What do you all think about my method above and then me adding Little Reader powerpoint flash cards at least once a day to reiterate?

I’m just wondering what daily program you’ve all found effective with getting you kids to read early and if I should add more to my program.


Dear Lucy,

Judy Mendes does and she is my latest heorine! Please see the thread here:

And DomanMom does as well. I will try to find her daily routine in the threads and post it later.

I use YBCR until I complete planning my lessons from steps 1 - 5 in English and Arabic and then input the information into LR. I have materials to make live flashcards if needed - and my girls LOVEEE LR & LM! So the YBCR materials are hands-on learning for them.

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

I tried doing the Doman method but it is very difficult. I salute moms who are able to do it religiously. I started doing it when my son was about 6 months old but stopped because it was exhausting for me. But now, with the software from Brillkids, I think it will make our lives much easier!

I did the FULL Doman program when my LO was 4 months - 18 months (approx). I mean everything. We did 10 sets of Bits a day, math sessions, words, swimming, physical, walking, brachiation…

Of course, once he got older and started expressing his interests, we’ve followed them. We still do Doman, but not in the same regimented way (and I like it better :yes: )

Wow, Texaslady22…
I would like your story on how u achieved it. How did you mange it? Were u working? What were the obstacles in achieveing and most important all how much has your child achieved from this program. I would love your story on it.

I actually was working (teaching) and working full-time on my PhD at the time (still finishing up the PhD, finished teaching for now).

Timothy had some problems (specifically with speech), and we were told that he might never talk. He couldn’t locate sounds in a room, etc, when we had him evaluated Doman-style through a lady trained by Family Hope Center. So when we got a program for him that involved creeping a mile a day, olfactory ten times a day, sounds ten times a day, and all the cards. We did it every day like our lives depended on it!!

I had a checklist that we went by everyday, and I wouldn’t even check my email until we were 3/4 finished. We paired things together (for example, we’d do eye stimulation, vestibular, word cards, bit cards, dots, and a set of crawling at a time). I set a timer for every 15-20 minutes, and he knew when the timer when off it was time for another set of everything. We crawled all over the house and set up different stations…we’d crawl to a set of word cards and then crawl to do olfactory. It was kinda fun. Swimming was in the afternoon as a reward.

It helps that my husband is home 3-4 days a week, and when he was home we’d team off–I’d do an hour and then he’d do an hour so we didn’t get worn out.

How did my son benefit?? He tested out of speech therapy at the beginning of the year and they had to do an IQ-type test as part of their concluding process (it was through the government). I don’t feel comfortable sharing the exact number, but let me tell you it was extremely high. Most importantly, though, my son can (and does) talk–all the time. About everything. He’s learning his 3rd language. He sings us songs. And he really, really enjoys learning. I can’t say that we’ve been on a walk and he’s said “Look! A two-spotted ladybird beetle” or anything of that sort, but I know there’s so much going on in his head.

It did really wear me down, though, and I love what we do now much better. If we have another child, though, I’m sure it will be full Doman again.

Hi Texaslady22
I really salute you. It’s a great accomplishment. Knowing how your child went from no talking to talking is remarkable, especially knowing that your child had speech problems.

I can totaly realate to you about when you talk about doing the Doman’s method. Yes it is very exhausitive and would wear you out. I went thru the same phase for the 1st year of my daugter’s life. I followed everything to the core. But i did it independently, my husband and family, was not so much into it, infact they were scared that I would make my child crazy and damage her brain.
And yes I dont blame them, as none of my family memeber or his every thaught their children so vigourously. Infact my friends at times would laugh at me, and they still do, but when my daughter speaks to my friends in sentences at such young age, their jaws drop (believe me it’s so true).

But I am very proud of you and I am sure your family too would be.
Would you mind sharing your daily schedule in details, I would love to hear more on it.

wow texaslady, this creeping thing seems really important. since you said your baby creep a mile a day for how many months ?

Did you follow the swimming from GD swimming book ? Is the book good?

Creeping thing is described in which GD book ?

Dear TexasLady & All,

WOW - I have two new heroines in three days? I did not realize you did all the programs as well!, and wish I had known sooner to also ask you for your schedule/routine that you had - the checklist that you used, please. Since Mrs. Judy was kind enough to share hers, I am using it as template and personalizing it. I would like to compare/contrast what you did with you in the beginning with what you do now - just to get ideas and see what would work best for us, if you don’t mind, please.

I still feel overwhelmed at times and just use YBCR program until I get the Reading program schedule for English/Arabic planned through at least the third step - phrases. And then I have to put into LR, and I am fortunate that my husband is helping me by typing the Arabic and making sound clips for me. Did you make your own flashcards by hand or did you use .ppt/LR? And the same question is for Mrs. Judy as well - did you hand make your flashcards to move them around like magnetic poetry - or just print them out for the 2nd/3rd steps? Or did you use .ppt/LR only?

And as for the YBCR program - I just realized today that it is only words and a few couplets. I believe that the Doman program is far better, even though you have to plan your steps and create your materials which is driving me a little nuts because I tend to put too much pressure on myself by wanting to be a perfectionist. :rolleyes: However, the parents here always give me hope! And the Doman method is far more comprehensive - reading/math/encyclopedic knowledge/fitness/swimming/etc. I will get this! - I just need to be more patient with myself and enjoy the process.

Thanks for the inspiration and encouragement!

  • Ayesha :slight_smile:

Wow! impressive! I’ve wondered if anyone did “hardcore.”

I don’t but when reading Ayesha’s post i noticed a few idea’s that might be helpful.

I don’t add sounds to my LR. I just say it myself as we go through them. This could save you a lot of time.

You can make word sets in LM quicker than in little reader. I’m not quite sure how, but I read in the math beta section of someone doing this. You’d have to pronounce the words your self, but it could save a lot of time.

Third, I upload precreated little reader sets. They have the pictures in them as well as the words, but you can set the pictures to flash very quickly, but turning off the voice for that part.

Hope this is helpful.

Oh, since you are making almost daily new word sets in both languages, please up load both so we all can download them. I’m sure you’ll get lots of forum points. You could call them “day1, day2” or somethings and the rest of us could just use your curriculum.

Hi All!
It’s the first time I participate in the forum but I’ve been reading you the messages for weeks…
For those of you who are in Australia, where did you find the Doman books? I ordered Teach your child how to read on the American ebay but it ended up costing me a lot with shipping. I’m interested in a few others, ideally second-hand.
I’m trying to save by making my own word cards (50 so far, laminated) and have printed the 1rst 100 dots for the maths program, but haven’t started yet.
Thanks for your answers…

Hi Ayesha
First of all i am honoured that I am your heroine. And quite glad that so many mothers did like my simple excel sheet that i used on my child.

About your question on flash cards, I actually started to get them printed on poster Letter head papers. Incase of maths i bought huge poster boards and stuck those red dots them for all 100 Dot cards, inase of encylopedia and words cards i printed them. I guess i might have printed atleast 10-15 categories, and incase of words nearly 100 of them.
But it started to get expensive as every second day i would run of catridge ink, so much so i even went to the extent of buying high graphic printer, but it was too expensive for me to get them printed,and also very hectic as i have to pre-cut the word sheets, hence thats when i decided to get my encylopedia and words on ppt.
But i was not sure if my daughter would like to see it on the TV/Computer, but when i first showed her the first ppt on my 32"HDTV she just loved it. And there was no stopping after that. Soon i started to make my own DVDs of encyclopedia so that i could send it to her daycare so that she could atleast one session of each Ency/Math/Read.

Now with the LR, i just use the encylopedia/maths/words extensively. But i also do juggle doing this program off computer that is i still show her dot cards manually and words cards too. I do this for only one reason, and that is, I want her to get use to reading materials from books or from flash cards shown manually. I dont want her to get too use to only one style of teaching.

Infact I find both method interesting, because that gets my daughter interested as its different each time.

I ordered all of my Doman books through
If your order totals $50 or more, they will ship to you for free.
I hope this helps you

Hi Judymendes, can I have a copy of your excel as well?
And Taxaslady. can I have a copy of your schedule as well?
Can u two please please email me at
or where can I find it in this forum??? Thanks in advance!

I am trying very hard to follow the doman programme and I have a hard time following the timing. Will be getting a timer this weekend, I am sure it will be very useful.
I would like to check with all of u, can I do all the programmes back to back? Means within one session I will do English / Chinese words-25 words each, EK-5 category, Maths -1set . Will it be confusing for my son? (7mths now) As I only want to do it 3sessions a day. I had tried to break it into small sessions and I have a very hard time keeping up.

Thanks everyone!

You can certainly do things back to back. I did. I’d do words then math the Bits then vestibular as a reward. :yes:

Now, for me, the hardest part was making the Bits. Every night my son would go to sleep at 8pm and my husband and I would work until 10pm to make cards. We’d get cardstock, glue sticks, a book with great images, and our laminator and try to make at least 50 a night. We had no choice! We were going through bits SOOOOO quickly using Doman’s recommendations that if we didn’t make bits every night, we’d run out in a matter of two days. To be honest, though, I have such fond memories of sitting around in the living room with my husband at night, watching Survivor on tv while we made bits and talked about our day…

And now we have a couple thousand good-quality bits that we can use again if God ever blesses us with another child.

Hey Texas Lady!

You to are my heroine as well. Unbelievable all that while accomplishing a PhD.

I am going back to work in 8 weeks and I would love to have a well established reading programme for Sophia. Are there any tips that you could give us working Mums?

That would be great!!!


Hi TexasLady,
In fact I download almost all of your files :0 I am still new to all these so no contribution yet.
Do u flash physical cards or using LR as well? Will a 7mth old boy benefit more fr physical cards or can i just flash on pc? What is your thoughts on this? I am asking as those words that I flash on pc when I write on 2 pc of paper to ask him where is word … he can’t recognise any of it. He will try to touch both and choose the wrong one.

Thanks for your advise.

Thank you Nbailey. Pity Doman books are not too popular in Oz (second-hand on ebay, or at local library for example)
Great thing we have the forum with a lot of help…

Dear Jennifer Joy,

Thanks for the ideas. I do read the sets myself for English - however, for Arabic, it is best that a native speaker pronounce the words because the stress patterns in pronouncing Arabic are considerably different than in English. And that is for fus-hah/modern standard Arabic, which have general rules for pronunciation. As for classical Arabic, as found in the Qur’an, Muslim’s holy book, the rules of pronunciation are very detailed and precision is required in order to keep the meanings correct and in tact. So, creating the sound clips for Arabic is more work (for my husband) that pays off in the end and will be worth it.

Once I am done with my personalizing Mrs. Judy’s Excel planner for my girls - it will be easy to input the information into LR and/or .ppt. I have started and have to continue to carefully create each step to make ensure that it all flows incrementally from one step to the next logically. I don’t want to create sentences with words that they have never seen before and confuse them - and perhaps I am being too much of a perfectionsist - but I also don’t want to have a whole bunch of individual words that don’t really make sentences either. I will review the reading kit from IAHP to see just how detailed they were in each step for the “Enough, Inigo, Enough” book.

Ayesha :rolleyes:

i just started because I actually just found out about this whole system. I try to do it every night as long as my son will sit still and pay attention. I don’t force him to do it. He turned 3 today. I work full time and m husband does too, so we only have the evenings and I don’t want to spend the entire time doing slide shows. We go on average 30 mins - 1 hour.