Anyone did Hypnobabies or something similar for birth?

I did hypnobabies :smiley:

For me, well it was a mixed experience… the hypno part didn’t work much … I acutely felt the pains of labor … I don’t know if that was my fault for not doing the recommended practicing regularly OR if it really doesn’t work so well …

one thing that did work was the TENS machine ;D

I will be doing it again if I’m ever pregnant again, just to see if it would work if I do all the practicing that I lazed out on last time … Plus it is a wonderful course for pre-birth stuff such as baby positioning etc… it’s great education on late pregnancy and birth if nothing else :wink:

What was your experience with your hypnobirthing? how did if go for you?

I did hypnobabies as well. :biggrin:
I had a good if not wonderful experience. I did feel the pressure like they call it, but it was during the last stages and boy was I able to handle them. I had been sleep deprived for the past 2 days so when I was in labor, I would fall asleep between the pressure waves (contractions) Again I don’t know if it was sleep or if I was hypnotized, because I had headphones with the birthing cd on. Another thing that helped was having a doula. I could not have done it or would have enjoyed it had it not been for her. She was another hypno mom who lived close to my area and she came to be with me. I had my son in the water, and she was right next to me kneeling on the floor the whole time I was in labor (God bless her) That was the first time we met =)

Anyway one thing is for sure. I will be doing hypnobabies again and have recommended it to many friends. If not completely, it does make you more in control of your body and able to overcome fear and allows you to make your labor a lot more easier.


Fehmina :slight_smile:

Mashallah it sounds like you had a wonderful experience :slight_smile: I had a good experience as well but I would rank it lower than you definitely :yes:

I hope you don’t mind me asking you questions … I’m trying to learn from my experience and hopefully do better next time!

I also slept between contractions and listened to the tracks the whole time until I had to be moved to the delivery room for pushing. Honestly I didn’t have problems with the parts in between the waves, nor with the pushing because by then it was a relief that birthing would soon be over :slight_smile: It was the waves themselves that reeeeeeeally HURT :frowning:

[b]- how did you deal with the waves themselves?

  • did you feel yourself going into hypnosis when the waves came?
  • did you feel anastasia?
  • where you in center or off during the waves?[/b]

Your doula / friend sounds gorgeous :smiley: it’s very sweet of her to be so dedicated ! :slight_smile:

Also, that’s amazing that you had a water birth :slight_smile: how did you go about that in Bahrain? I’m asking because I had birth in Egypt and it’s a very traditional medical community there … everyone has the standard procedures in the hospital etc… I was really as weird as they get with my natural birth plan, tens machine etc… :smiley:

[b]- so is it the same where u r, how did you get a water birth arranged?

  • do you think your waterbirth helped with how acute the pressure waves were?[/b]

I’m really sorry for grilling you for answers like this!

It’s just great when you find someone who’s in such a close cultural setting and doing the stuff that’s so alien to the middle east! :slight_smile:

I can’t help but ask you to share your insights and tips with me so that I can use them next time around inshallah :slight_smile:

THANKS a MILLION :yes: :blush:

Dear Noha,

I will sound disappointing here, but I did not have my son in Bahrain. I knew it would not be possible to do a water birth here, so i opted to go back to the States so I can do it the way I wanted. Even back in US, it’s not easy since many hospital have policies which go against natural birthing, so I did a lot of research and sought out a hospital which also had midwives and water birthing center.

I do think being in water since active labor till the pushing stage made it easier for me. BUT i have seen many women on hypnobabies forum who have had good experience without it, so don’t be too disappointed.

To answer your question about the waves. I do rem that I would be asleep and during the active labor part, most likely when I was close to 8-10 cm, the pressure waves would get intense. I would wake up humming and moaning due to the intensity of the pain. All I rem from the whole hypnosis session and would repeat to myself was it’s a tight hug and would repeat it to myself. Guess that part stuck to me. Anyway, having a doula or any good supportive person with you who understands what you are doing, helps TREMENDOUSLY! When I would wake up humming or moaning due to the intensity, she would calm me down, using some of the hynobabies line, and that DID make it easy.

I think I will need to really practice a lot more my second time around, because I did not use the anastasia part, and I think that is the key. Which you should do as well. If you have time between having your baby, I would recommend that you get these two books which I found to be quite useful. One is called Active labor and the other is Guide to Childbirth by Ina May, there is another book called Back Labor No More and is helpful. Having read these, it really takes the fear out which is another key element into creating that feeling of you can do it, and the pain is only there if we fear it too much.

Finally, I would recommend that you look into if you can try and have a midwife come to your house. you can set something up in your bath tub or a small pool, which is what many women do in the US. If that is not possible, then def, get those books because you can use the tips int here for a hospital room setting trying out your hypnosis along the way. There is soo much to say, but I think I have said plenty. I’ll end it here and once you read this, we can continue it from there. =)

Hi again!

sorry I did n’t reply sooner! I have been traveling so it was a little hectic for me.

It does make sense that you went to the US to have the birth that you wanted because it is too new-age for this part of the world … all the doctors & nurses in the hospital kept asking me what was my education etc… because of the stuff i was doing (even though it was the bare minimum!)

anyway, from your description it does sound like you had a less intense experience than me because of the doula … my mom was my birth partner and she was amazing but admittedly she didn’t really use hypnobabies lines much, it was more me listening to the tracks.

i did have to lie down all through birth because my water broke really early which i am positive didnt help with the waves…i am sure there would have been more comfortable positions but i just couldn’t do that.

hospital births are really very impersonal and nurses keep marching in and out … its hard to do your own thing…

my take away then from your experience, aside from the practicing, would be to get a good hypnobabies doula … i can try that, maybe i’ll be lucky enough to find one next time around - if ever! :slight_smile:

thansk so much for your input! it was really interesting and educational to read about it :slight_smile:

I did hypnobabies and I would do it again.

I wanted a water birth as well. The first doctor I had told me that she would consider it and led me on for months with no answer. Finally, I convinced a nurse to pressure her for me and got the answer, it was a “No”. Outraged, I changed doctors.

But as far as hypnobirthing goes, my experience wasn’t what I had expected, but I believe I know why. First of all, my labor was almost 24 hours long. At first, I was too excited to sleep. And then my sister-in-law and my husband wanted to watch TV. I thought ok, that can be relaxing. WRONG. I let my SIL have control of the remote. BIG mistake. The next thing I know, we’re watching Animal 911 and then The World’s Most Extreme Videos. I remember a beaten dog and then a polar bear falling off a cliff accompanied by my SIL’s cries of “Oh NO! Oh NO!”.

From that point on, I was lost. I couldn’t get back into it. And then that made me mad, which made things worse. It still kinda makes me mad. I eventually gave in to the anthesia which upset my husband so much. He knew I really didn’t want to and me just giving in like that scared, the poor guy. But once my baby was here and in my arms, nothing else mattered.

It probably didn’t help that the doctor on call was trying to rush things along.

I still love the philosophy of Hypnobirthing and believe that I came out a little bit wiser. Next time, NO ONE will be watching TV. I will be in control, and a little bit more selfish. :yes:

Wow annisis ! What an experience! Yes next time definitely be more selfish! :slight_smile:

I was very clear about NOONE coming to the hospital while I was birthing (except for my mom and husband) … in our culture and family that was really strange and kind of rude…
family usually stand by each other in these situations, they see it as being at your service and helping out etc…

but i was very strict about not telling anyone i was having birth in the first place. And the few that did know, i told them very clearly not to come until i give birth … a few people were upset but i really didn’t care at that particular moment … its MY birth :wink:

My birth experience was still not as I expected (as you can see from previous posts!) but i just thought I’d share this with you … they all eventually got over it and were happy about the baby in the end :wink: I think they also learned to respect people’s differences … not everyone wants a crowd or likes that much attention :wink:

here’s to better luck for all of us next time, if there ever is one :wink:

I used hypno birthing during my labour and had good results. My body was exhausted afetr a long labour but mentally I was alert and coping well with the pain. My husband and I meditate regularly and it helped me to get that bit of relief and relax between waves. I will definately use it again for any subsequent children. I think you need a supportive partner to help use hypnotherapy and have practised it prior it isn’t something you just start doing amonth or two before the birth, you need to master it for it to really help. It is hard for my people to really relax and let go, especially during labour. Good Luck to anyone who gives it a go.

I used the “Hypnobabies” approach, and I can highly recommend it. It was created by a former Hypnobirthing instructor. It incorporates more of the hypnosis techniques that are used for anesthesia replacement during surgery for those who are allergic). It is a five week course, where you and your birthing partner work through hypnosis scripts and listen to CDs. There are also special CDs for when you are actually in labor, as well as one to listen to in case you go in for an emergency C-section.

I had a natural birth at home. My labor lasted 48 hours, from first contraction to baby’s arrival. (His head had been in a funny position, which slowed things down.) I’m not sure I would have had the mental stamina to make it through (I wasn’t able to eat or sleep during labor) if it weren’t for the rest that Hypnobabies allowed my mind. Yes, I did still feel pain and I did feel quite tired by the end. The best metaphor I can come up with for the experience is, the waves kept crashing over me, but Hypnobabies was like a surfboard that let me ride those waves, rather than be pummeled by them! (I did fall off that board a few times and I learned my lesson!)

I would encourage you to include Hypnobabies in your research. The have certified instructors, but there is also a study-at-home course if you aren’t near one.

I’ll be using Hypnobabies for my next birth. I’ve also been working more on my meditation practice so that I can find that quiet place inside more easily.

I used hypnobabies as my choice for labor management. It worked well for me but I also had: 1) A very supportive husband 2) Lots of practice starting at three months with my husband and 3) Two doulas (hired one but she was training another one so we got two for the price of one).

My birthing time was 16 hours from start to finish. I think it would’ve been even shorter (I was at 10cm for a long time) except for the cervical lip. I don’t remember feeling pain so much as discomfort and tiredness. I would highly recommend it if you practice it as recommended. Besides preparing for your birthing time, it’s very relaxing.

Wow annisis that sounds like it was terrible! I hope your SIL is just really young and will learn to be more sensitive as she matures!

I used Hypnobabies and I loved it, but I also think I didn’t use it properly. I will definitely use it again but do things differently as well.

I didn’t do the practices I only put it on at night when going to sleep. I have never slept better in my life, but I fell asleep so fast I never got to practice. I also didn’t practice with my husband who was not around for much of my pregnancy but is also not into that sort of thing.

My baby was born on the day of his baby shower (little trouble maker from the start :wink: ) and I was working very hard cooking food for it the night my labor started. I thought I was super woman I think. I ended up being dehydrated and when I went into labor my contractions were two minutes apart from the get go. I think if the labor didn’t start so fast I could have handled it better.

I am also definitely hiring a doula next time. My husband is wonderful, but for somethings you got to know when to seek out a professional. lol

I am not sure if it was from so much hypnobabies in my sleep or what, but the good thing was that I only had 5 minutes of pushing - maybe 2 or 3 pushes and my baby was born. It was like nothing. Really incredible. Although I tend to think that had more to do with the fact that I had been vigorously exercising. I swam with a competitive master’s group. I actually didn’t compete, but I did the work outs just as other team members did except I didn’t dive in the water.

As far as that goes I highly recommend the book Exercising Through Your Pregnancy

Its a little radical like Early Learning in that a lot of doctors recommend light exercise and not to elevate your heart rate above a certain level. This book argues the benefits of vigorous exercise during pregnancy with scientific research to back it up. I think the exercise combined with the hypnobabies was the reason why I slept so well. Sometimes when I can’t sleep I think I need to get pregnant again so I can sleep!