Anybody still here?

I used to be on here a lot more. I never did post much, but I enjoyed reading what everyone had to say. But since we started homeschooling I spend more time on homeschool boards. Are any of the ones with older kids still here? My dd is 7 now. My son is 3. I would love to discuss with anyone what you did do and would do again and what you would change or even what you wish you had done more of.
Where I live homeschoolers typically don’t start teaching anything until 7,sometimes even 8. I started teaching classes in a local co-op (the more academic one) and I was shocked to have 8 and 9 yos still learning the abc and counting to 100. They say I expect too much! I expected more than that at age 1 not 8!

A lot of us are on the facebook group now. I actually only swing by here every few weeks.

lol That was very funny! And I totally agree, EL or not EL parent, I still think at that age they should have known some things.

Yeah, we are mostly on Facebook group or actually groups, now that the Arithmophobia No More group is on too. So we have a general EL group and a math group, so to speak. Only the math one is not just for EL people.

Yea, mostly on FB now

If I may ask, what is the FB group? Is it a closed or open group? I don’t have a FB account…

It’s open :slight_smile: “Early Learning Parent’s Page” has 484 members and counting! Tamsyn had a great idea by creating the group! The BK community is so wide and we have made great friends over the years here. The FB group takes the friendship even at more intimate level. And the respect we have between each other here on the forum is preserved and strengthened along with the friendship in the FB group. At least this is how I see things.
For some of us the FB group is easier to follow.

It sounds like a great group! Maybe one day I’ll get a Facebook account. I really love this community, and I think we all learn so much from each other! It’s great that this I also the case with the FB group.

Oh I read those other homeschool forums and frankly they don’t suit us so well. So often we are told we are pushy :frowning: We have added a big kids section to this forum for just that reason. I would love to see you post some ideas in there for discussion. If more of us did all the old friends would have reason to continue being here.
Homeschooling questions pop up all the time add to that that we are hitting those bumps a few years earlier than most and we really need a support group!

Thanks. Just sent a request to join. :slight_smile:

i have sent a request to join fb group