Anybody have a toddler that crosses their fingers?

My 19 month old son has developed a finger crossing habit over the last couple of months. I am just wondering if anybody else has children who have also done this and if it could be a sign of any problems. Developmentally he seems to be doing well. At 19 months he has a vocabulary of hundreds of words and can express most needs and thoughts verbally. He says some two and three word phrases, walks and runs well. He can almost do forward rolls well by himself. He also knows some signs, can say some of the alphabet, read many sight words, can on occasion count to 10 and follow simple directions. He is doing really well with the encyclopedic knowledge bits that I have introduced and has has demostrated that he knows many of the bits. I did read somewhere that finger crossing could be linked to autism. He is very active (sometimes I worry that he is a little too active), but he does show affection and looks you in the eye etc… and is very social. The finger crossing is just becoming more prominent and seems a bit strange. Maybe I am just worrying for nothing, but would be good to know if other toddlers are doing this also.

My son does it from time to time. I think it just feels cool to them. I wouldn’t be worried.

I wouldn’t be worried either…one of the first letters that my son signed was X, which is the first two fingers crossed, he loved the fact that he could do it and he still does it from time to time.

Kids have all sorts of weird idiosyncratic tics, don’t they?

I would be proud if my son could cross his fingers. (Well, maybe he can, I never paid that any attention.)