Any tips for regaining your beautiful pre-pregnancy figure?

I´m pretty sure I´m the only mother of 6 month old baby who still looks kind of pregnant. I see all these moms around a month or two after giving birth fitting with ease into their pre-pregnancy clothes and I get all discouraged. I don´t get into a depression state over it (my gorgeous baby boy was worth every extra kilo…), but wouldn´t mind to feel a bit lighter… Any ´tried and proven´ tips and tricks anybody?

No, you are certainly not! I was too for quite a while, it just takes time. Moving more and eating less is all that ever really worked for me. What a boring answer, I know. :tongue:

And I am now down within a few pounds of the weight I thought I wanted to be, but 1) the last few pounds seem to be taking a while and 2) My body does not look the same at this weight as it used to! Two kids and two c-sections = a mummy tummy! I hear that the tummy is last to go thought, so I guess we’ll see in a few more pounds?

You are not alone! My baby is 5 months and I haven’t really done any real exercise yet. Walking when I can and a few stretches. I have checked this book out, but have yet to actually follow any of the program :slight_smile:

Hey! Thanks for sharing this :smiley: :smiley:

HI I lost around 20kgs weight after pregnancy all by

2)joined a gym after 4 month of delivery…though i was irregular because of small baby but wenever got time did worked out.
3) i had my dinner by 6.30 p.m
4) 4-5 litres of water

My daughter is almost two and I still don’t fit in my pre pregnancy clothes. It is my own fault because I am so busy with her, I was busy with school and everytime I try to exercise my darling daughter would interupt. I couldn’t and can’t afford and I do not have the time or resources (baby sitter) to go to the gym or anything like that. I also suffered with a lot of depression over the weight and my financial and overall situation at the time. I get really depressed over not fitting in my clothes and I refuse to buy new clothes so I am still wearing pregnancy clothes or sweats and things that are baggy or stretch. The depression then makes me not want to work out because I just want to hide from myself, and it is never good. So I have stopped trying to fit into my pre-pregnancy clothes. It is really hard to buy new clothes because I do not like “fat clothes” (I have my share of body issues I am and have been trying to deal with) so I wear what I have that fits and try to get some new bigger things. My goal is to lose weight, I am currently dieting and exercising and increasing my water intake. Trying to cut out all sugary liquid, trying to just drink water. I have lost a little weight, 27 pounds I had gained about 35-40 with my pregnancy. Also eating early like a couple hours before bed. It is very hard because being a mother we juggle so much. We also feel guilty about everything we do. Try not to be hard on yourself and stop comparing yourself to other people. Focus on yourself and being happy with yourself and working towards your goal. Some people drop the weight really easy others don’t. Just take time out for yourself and don’t be discouraged and most importantly be healthy about it. Another thing is breast feeding didn’t help me lose weight because I was so stressed that I wasn’t making enough milk because I didn’t know if I was and I was pumping and going to school and it was very chaotic that I would eat more to try to make more milk. Also I really tried to workout after the baby as soon as I was allowed but my body felt so weak I couldn’t do and still cant do some of the things I used to, it is getting better now that I am trying more. I was very discouraged because I was used to working out like a beast. So another tip is try doing things that are easy. Everyone worrys about their stomach after having a baby, try to focus on your legs and arms and do a little ab exercises at time till you gain your strength back. When I started not being so hard on myself is when I started seeing results so now it is just keeping up with it and hopefully lose a little more. Hope this helps.

You really have to work hard and stay focused as after pregnancy, that could really spell what you are going to be for the years to come. And your focus would be the driving thing that would let you stay on track or slide off it.

hey you should do exercisse and walk with your iphone if you have :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey, i had a c-section & dare not exercise even after 6 months :ohmy:
Now I have heavy thighs, arms & tummy. I dont eat alot but I always have bedtime snacks,
(very forbidden but never quit it) & no idea what kind of actions/exercise allowed for c-sec mum.
At times, I have people ask me if I am pregnant again :confused:
Please help, anyone out there…

I have a 7m old and i’ve lost in the first month after the birth quite a bit, so i thought i’ll be in shape soon enough just by keeping to what i was doing (less eating than when i was pregnant and no exercices). However from that point forward till my baby was 6m old i didnt loose any weight at all.
At 6m my baby was crawling very well and just with running all day after her i lost 3 kgs in 1month (7pounds almost). (i did stop eating sweets thou)
Hopefully u’ll be the same.

Baby Boot Camp (by amanda vogel) was a book that i found to be very good, 9 min a day of exercise. thou i never found 9 min for it :p. u can get it 2nd hand on amazon/ebay cheap.
Good luck.

Thx alot Dalis for the info. Are those exercise for c-section mum & when can I start to exercise after the surgery ?
9 mins a day should be ok for alot of people & I really should make time for it :yes:
Of course food is what we should taken care of too, less junks !
I am sure lots of new mums appreciate this 8)

Hi all,
First of all, if you’ve had a C-section, you can typically exersize 6-8 weeks post delivery (provided your doc gives you a thumbs up). If it’s a normal delivery, then 6 weeks should do.

Always remember, there is no magical way to reduce the weight/ flabby tummy… it did take 9 months to gain all those kilos, and it WILL take about the same time to go back to your pre-pregnancy state.

I had my DS via normal birth and put on 55 pounds, but thanks to the Fit Yummy Mummy program , I lost ALL the weight and more in 12 weeks post delivery, mummy tummy and all! (yes, I started 4 weeks post birth). Being a doctor, and having to go back to work 2 months post delivery, running around in the hospital, I had no choice but to get myself fit.

I got pregnant with my DD just as I regained my figure, and again gained roughly 50 pounds. But I did not stick with the program post delivery, and now am pregnant with baby no.3. All this while carrying old baby weight.
I’m definitely going back to the program after I deliver this baby, as I’ve seen the results. It’s fabulous. Not only did I lose MORE weight than I had on pre baby, but I was at my fittest yet. It was super simple to run around with my VERY active son… and I loved it. If I may add, the exersizes in the program were NOT simple, it was hard work, but well worth it. I can’t wait to start it again after this delivery.

(I’m in NO WAY affiliated to this program whatsover, and I got it at full price!)

Eating healtier and plenty of sleep or at least try. I started a gym last month with vouchers from the website, find it here. I would recommend to all!

:smiley: :slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile:

Exercise and use corset after give birth to decrease the number of weight.

we both have the same problem… but on my case… i cant do alot of exercise … as i had my c section just as 4 months ago… so … what i am doing … just lessen those fatty foods, and cholesterol… and i drink lots of water before i eat… and prayers hahaha…

I’m sure all you mothers look great. I’m a mother who looks like I haven’t even had a baby and the baby that stole the only small little bit of ‘fat’ I had on my child like frame, now I don’t even have a bottom nor do I even have watermelons anymore, I have deflating plastic golf balls I now call my own breasts. I envy all of you. If only we could body swap with a machine.

Few days later after delivering my child, nobosy thought i just gave birth. I was skinnier than before,just like magic!!! I dont know how but it was like 1 week after.
But I have to admit my whole pregnancy was very very healthy lots of fruit, veggies, water and lots fo naps.
Now I am 7 months pregnant with my second child and I can’t stop eating…its crazy I already gained 27 pounds, and doctors predict that my babys is going to be big.I am very into sweets and desserts and lots of back pain.This pregnancy is very different. I am pretty sure it will take more than a week to lost all this weight.

I am planning to breasfeed him just like a did with my first and lots of water and jogging.

Well I think if you keep a healthy live ,stay away from alcohol,smoking,junk food, and keep exercising you will be ok.

With my first child I gained about 40 pounds. I had an 8.1 pounds baby boy. I lost them all and got a bikini shape one year after giving birth. With my second child i gained also a lot of pounds. This time a 9.6 pound baby. For a petite frame of only 5’2" that is a pretty huge belly… It has been a year now since I gave birth… and i still have 7 pounds to loose to be back in size 0. The summer is approaching and I need so do some more diet and exercises (sit ups) to be ready to use a bikini. But I do not complain. The woman body is amazing. I thought I would never regained my shape, i thought my belly was going to be big or fluffy forever, I thought I was going to have to settle for one piece bathing suits from now on. But i am getting there… is just a matter of time, patience and persistence. It did not happened in one day… two months… or 8 months… but over a year. But it worked the first time and it is working the second time around too. I am more than please to see my shape coming back again. I am glad I did not quit.

I gained 60lbs during pregnancy! but luckily I have lost 45 of it already (it’s been 7 weeks). I haven’t done any exercise except I go up the stairs a lot in my house because I keep the diaper station upstairs. Recently I got a little more energy and walk more often, like maybe once a day, other than that I am still lacking the energy required to do anymore exercise than that. The only thing I do is breastfeed (via pumping) and low-carbing it. Check into Atkins, if you can actually do Phase 1 properly (which I haven’t quite yet), you will drop weight fast. If you can’t be that strict on carbs (Phase 1 requires <20carbs a day), try to just have less than 60 a day- that’s what I do right now. I plan on jumping down to Phase 1 in a few weeks. In the meantime I where Spanx when I am trying to flatten things out :wink:

I think you hit in on the head when you said “Pre” preg. body. Even those perfect body mommas don’t ever look like they used to. Sad to think they could look better, i know :_(

~>Instead of worry about getting back, focus on trying to be as healthy and in shape you can be.
Here are my tips to get healthier:

  1. Breastfeed, this not only is better for baby, but it helps you lose weight by burning hundreds of calories a day!
  2. Since your baby is about ready or is already eating some food, set a good example and cook natural foods that you can eat and you can puree for baby. ( trust me its cheaper then pre-made and taistes better for baby too) foods that are great are oat meal, fruits,eggs (whites if you can handle that) Veggies, meat that is not fried :wink: baby workouts: stroller walks, play groud play (trust me you get a good sweat if you play right) you can use your baby on your belly or legs to add weight while you do leg lifts and but lifts.
  3. plenty of water! For ever caffinated beverage drink 2 glasses of water.

Hope this helps and try not to worry. It took almost a year to get it on it may take at least that to get it off. Once you do, accept and love your new mommy figure, you earned it! ((Hugs))