Any thoughts on teaching art?

I’ve read a bit on how music can help develop spatial skills. I’ve wondered what else can be done art-wise to help kids draw what they see as well as draw what they dream up. Drawing on the Right side of the Brain has helped me, but in learning about right brain learning, I imagine there must be something to help develop this more before the shift to left brain happens.


Good sites, i tried with my kids. and

I hope u will like them.

I hadn’t thought about oragami, which I love! I usually get one of those oragami calendars after they go on sale after Christmas. Likewise I’ve gotten Tangram calendars in the past. Might be a fun daily activity to stockpile until my baby gets a little older and some hand dexterity.

I’ve some books on art that remind me of one of your links, Lee Ames, Lee Hammond, Jack Hamm, Steve Beaumont, and Doug DuBosque. (Lots of "Lee"s and "Hamms"s in art, I guess!)

Karma to you!