Any tentative dates for the release of Little Musician?

Hi KL and team

Are there any tentative dates set for the release of Little Musician. My baby seems to be liking music very much which I want to encourage. Even if you try to release the prototype version, I would be happy to buy (desperate). Please release it soon.

I am also waiting…

All I can say is that it’s getting closer! Several things delayed the launch of it, like other things taking priority, and adding new features to it. Still, we’re almost there, and hope to get beta out before too long!

Trust me, I want it out more than you guys! :slight_smile:

Awesome. I cannot wait for the program. My son loves the one lesson that BK uploaded on the website.

Holding my breath in excitement…

I must have missed that! Where can I find it?

Hi SarahJean,

If I’m not mistaken Mae was referring to our “Music Basics” category that’s uploaded in the LR Downloads Library (see English > Music section):

Note that this file is a Premium File, so it will cost you some points to download.

ohhhh . . . this is good to know . . thanks kezia! :slight_smile: