Any other super busy Moms doing this?

Hello everyone. I’m a homeschooling Mom to 6 children in Canada. I have a dd15, dd12, ds9, ds5, ds3, ds(11mo), and another blessing due in December. I became interested in Doman/early-learning 3 babies ago, did some flashcards and French picture books with him for a few months (he was just under 2 years old I think), but then it stopped after a while (I think because ds3 was born). Ds3 got some infant stimulation cards and a some big words for a few weeks (as an infant), but I wasn’t feeling too energetic and we started ‘school’ again with the older ones when he was 1 month old. Ds(11mo) didn’t get any of that, I think because for the first time I had more young ones closer in age. Now most of you are enjoying your 1st or 2nd child and can’t imagine how someone expecting their 7th could possibly get everything done. Well, it does work; I do manage somehow. Schoolwork gets done, the house is pretty tidy/clean, and food gets put on the table. I still have time to play and read and enjoy my children. I guess one thing I’ve gotten better at is organization and planning. But honestly, as much as I yearn to give my little ones the gift of early learning, I don’t know how or if I can do it. Please someone out there, convince me that it doesn’t take an extraordinary amount of time. Does anyone else have a large family? I wish I could afford LR right now… it looks like it could save me a lot of time and make it more manageable to accomplish… but I can’t so I was just really excited to find all the free printable/downloadable materials that this site has. I’m trying to find more information about how the loyalty points works… what ways can you earn them and what can you use them for? Well, I’m hoping to find encouragement and advice from this forum so my little ones can get the best start in life (and make homeschooling them easier later on!)
Christine (momtomany)

Hi, and welcome to the forums! It’s great to have you here. Wow, you have your hands full. It’s great to know that you are able to manage your household, homeschool, and still have time to spend with your kids. That is wonderful! There are a few other moms her who have large families. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind sharing their experiences with you.
Here is info about the loyalty point system LPs can be used to purchase discounts from our product partners, buy premium content for LR, and you may be able to use them to get a discount on out learning systems in the future.

I hope to hear more from you soon (although I’m sure you don’t have much time to be on the computer lol )


Welcome, welcome, welcome!!

I love to see large families. Children are a blessing from God and we have decided we will take as many as we can get. :biggrin: We’ve only been blessed with one so far, but we recently found out we’re expecting #2!! We’re thrilled beyond measure!

The wonderful thing about Doman-type learning is that it DOESN’T take time. You do a set of words cards - 5 cards 5 times a day. If it takes you 30 seconds (which it should be less than that), that’s 2.5 minutes a day to teach your child reading. Less than three minutes!!

I used to always write words cards on 5x7 index cards (from Wal-Mart) while I watched tv at night. It was simple and I didn’t mind it a bit.

Welcome–and you’re doing a great job!!

I am having number 5 any day now. Actually I have wondered how on earth I manage, and how am I going to manage with the next, but things have been coming together lately and hopefully it will be easier from here. I think having moved house like 8 times in 13 years hasnt helped, and I dont do being pregnant very well… morning sickness, fatigue, sore hips, shortness of breath and things to make you do less than normal. Hopefully the older kids will be more helpful (the oldest is a neat freak so that’s great, but the other 2 are from their father’s side neatness-wise) as I shouldnt be expected to clean up after everyone else. They use the shower, toilet etc…why should I clean everything? I’m not a slave. So I write a list of chores on the fridge everyday. One does her chores, the others complain and try to avoid it. Makes it hard not to have a favourite child, let me tell you!

I don’t feel worthy to reply, I only have one! On the positive side if you do purchase LR at least the program will be used for 2 or 3 or more kids!

What about having some of the older kids teach the younger kids? Making flashcards and showing them? Or using a blackboard or whiteboard and writing the words during meatime?

At least with many sibblings they will learn how to share!

Momtomany, you sound very on top things, and you will get ontop of the teaching as well. Remember that Glen Doman said that teaching is one game you will win to some extent, no matter how poorly you play.

I am trying to do this, but I find it difficult as I don’t have a regular schedule for them and I am not able to do trhis consistently. I am busy 9not that I have so many kids) as a I am a working mom with funny working timing. may i know how you mom try to do this ? How to motivate ourselves to teach them even when we are tired both mentally and physically after come home from work ?

I am trying to do this, but I find it difficult as I don’t have a regular schedule for them and I am not able to do trhis consistently. I am busy 9not that I have so many kids) as a I am a working mom with funny working timing. may i know how you mom try to do this ? How to motivate ourselves to teach them even when we are tired both mentally and physically after come home from work ?
Posted on: June 16, 2009, 10:17:45 PMPosted by: khatty

I understand what you are saying. I only have one, but I am a single mom. I get no support or help from his dad. YBCR and LR make it easy for me to teach him.